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The Companion
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Book Chat > The Companion by Katie Alender **full discussion/ mark spoilers** (October 2024)

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message 1: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new) - added it

Melanie | 1732 comments FULL DISCUSSION for The Companion by Katie Alender

Discuss the book fully, but tag spoilers.
how-to-spoiler: < spoiler > Words go here < /spoiler > (remove spaces)

Suggested Discussion Points
Do you like the characters?
What questions/ thoughts did the book elicit for you?
What rating do you give this book?
Comment on the book’s horror cred. Was this book scary enough, too scary, or not really horrific @ all?
What are your compliments and criticisms for the author?

Share your spoiler-free first thoughts here:

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The Companion (other topics)

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Katie Alender (other topics)