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The Miscellaneous Club > October 2024: Witches, Wizards and Sorcerers

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message 1: by Beverly, Miscellaneous Club host (new)

Beverly (bjbixlerhotmailcom) | 3032 comments Mod
October is a good month to delve into books about witches, wizards, and sorcerers. Participants are welcome to post about non-fiction, folklore, fiction, or picture books.

message 2: by Cheryl, Newbery Club host (new)

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 8042 comments Mod
My favorite witch book is The Little Green Witch, a clever riff on The Little Red Hen.

I also like Witch Poems, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman.

message 3: by Cheryl, Newbery Club host (new)

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 8042 comments Mod
We must remember, of course, that Harry Potter and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe feature witches, of course.

And if any of you use a library that bought the reprints of any of the little witch stories by Ruth Chew, check them out. I loved the few I knew when younger, and imo they hold up well enough even for today's more jaded kids.

My favorite is another classic, don't know if you can find it, The Witch Family. I actually have lots of classic children's witch stories on my shelves if anyone wants to look.

Meanwhile I've ordered a few from my local library. Of course, most are checked out atm....

message 4: by Cheryl, Newbery Club host (new)

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 8042 comments Mod
Oops, I closed the tab; I'll have to post the link later. But on I found a lost book query full of witch books, especially 'handbook' style books. Led me to some interesting titles, including Guess What? by Mem Fox, which I enjoyed on

message 5: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
The Winter Witch The Winter Witch by Clay Bonnyman Evans

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Lovely story, but I did not at all enjoy the illustrations and found them garish.

message 6: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Two Little Witches: A Halloween Counting Story Two Little Witches A Halloween Counting Story by Harriet Ziefert

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Not really to my taste, and my inner child agrees.

message 7: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
The Christmas Witch The Christmas Witch by Steven Kellogg

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Good illustrations, annoying story!

message 8: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Baba Yaga and the Wise Doll Baba Yaga and the Wise Doll by Hiawyn Oram

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Needs an author's note, but enjoyable.

message 9: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Dorrie and the Play Dorrie and the Play (Dorrie the Little Witch) by Patricia Coombs

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Really liked story and wish the series were more readily available.

message 10: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Dorrie and the Dreamyard Monsters Dorrie and the Dreamyard Monsters by Patricia Coombs

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Fun but also a bit basic, but I enjoyed that.

message 11: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Jenny Greenteeth Jenny Greenteeth by Mary Alice Downie

A witch who needs better dental hygiene!!

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message 12: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
The Ghost Drum The Ghost Drum (Ghost World, #1) by Susan Price

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Love how Baba Yaga is not just an evil witch.

message 13: by Manybooks (last edited Oct 04, 2024 04:22PM) (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Die kleine Hexe Die kleine Hexe by Otfried Preußler (Have not read this in English and do not like the removals of the updated versions in German and that the author was seemingly and as a very old man bullied by activists and his publisher into agreeing to this, boo and hiss from me).

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message 14: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Tomorrow's Wizard by Patricia MacLachlan
Tomorrow's Wizard

Have not found this all that interesting, just a two star reading experience, fractured, tedious and glad to have found it on Open Library.

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message 15: by Manybooks (last edited Oct 04, 2024 11:25AM) (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Wizard's Hall Wizard's Hall by Jane Yolen

Remember not liking this, found it hugely tedious, and no, there is in my opinion no plagiarism by J.K. Rowling either.

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message 16: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
The Witch of Beaver Creek Mine by Rosemarie Nervelle
The Witch of Beaver Creek Mine

Rosemarie Nervelle tries hard, but this story just totally fizzled out for me.

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message 17: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Little Witches: Magic in Concord
Little Witches Magic in Concord by Leigh Dragoon

Although this graphic novel mash of of Little Women seems to have quite a lot of fans, sorry, but everything about Little Witches: Magic in Concord made me gag and retch.

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message 18: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
The Worst Witch The Worst Witch (Worst Witch, #1) by Jill Murphy

A bit simplistic, but a nice pre Harry Potter like story, and I do love how Mildred seems to have dyspraxia.

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message 19: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Baba Yaga's Assistant by Marika McCoola Baba Yaga's Assistant

Loved this graphic novel, that Baba Yaga is enigmatic and not simply an evil witch, but someone who tests, but wish there was folkloric background on Baba Yaga provided.

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message 20: by Cheryl, Newbery Club host (new)

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 8042 comments Mod
My edition not, I think, the leveled/beginning reader. Just a hardcover picture-book, a little on the long side. Cute, better for the interested target audience, not super special. I appreciate the reviewer who compared it to Cinderella, but there is no ball or romance. But there is a very nice boy!

The Witch Who Was Afraid of Witches

message 21: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Hansel and Gretel by Rika Lesser
Hansel and Gretel

A great retelling, lovely illustrations and a wonderful author's note!!

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message 22: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Hansel & Gretel & Zombies: A Graphic Novel
Hansel & Gretel & Zombies A Graphic Novel (Far Out Fairy Tales) by Benjamin Harper

Really funny (zombie) graphic novel retelling and I love how at the end of the story, the witch is turned into zombie and joins Hansel and Gretel and their parents.

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message 23: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Hansel and Gretel The Graphic Novel (Graphic Spin) by Donald Lemke
Hansel and Gretel: The Graphic Novel

Very standard Brothers Grimm graphic novel retelling (and I certainly would have preferred a tale where the mother/stepmother is redeemed a bit). Find the way Hansel and Gretel are illustrated a bit creepy, but appreciate that the witch looks fair at first (even though she is foul).

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message 24: by QNPoohBear (new)

QNPoohBear | 7313 comments I gave nephew #2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and he said "oh cool!" He still hasn't read Sorcerer's Stone I gave him last year. I tried explaining the books have more to the story than the movies. I hope he will read them. Next year he can look for his letter to Hogwarts by September 1! He's just a bit too young, like Hermione, to attend this year. My sister and I took the girls to the New England School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a low tech interactive event for kids.

I'm not a big fan if witches. I wish there was a kids version of Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. That novel is VERY much for adults. Wicked: The Complete Book and Lyrics of the Broadway Musical is family friendly for the most part.

I liked Which Witch? which is very funny and gave that to niece #2 with no feedback whatsoever.

I enjoyed Wizard's Hall while waiting for the next Harry Potter book. It's simplistic and the hero is very much a Neville Longbottom. There are similar elements and some of the same elements as Harry Potter but they're pretty common and don't take much imagination to conjure up. Jo's world building in the Harry Potter series is second to none.

When my sister was a kid, she was The Blue-Nosed Witch for book character day at school but I'm not sure either of us read the book.

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