Tips for Self Promotion, Sales, and Advertising discussion

Self Promotion Tips > Are you trying to succeed?

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message 1: by Larry (new)

Larry Moniz (larrymoniz) | 181 comments Failing to plan how you will promote your book is a guarantee that you plan to fail in selling the book to customers. Unless you’re a dilettante, with only a superficial interest in writing, but like claiming to be an author, you wrote for a serious reason.
Lets face it, all those weeks and months of work weren’t just to see your name on a book jacket were they?
To ensure success, you MUST promote. Other than the stock method of book reviews, what are you doing to promote your books and ensure you make a profit?

message 2: by Nicholas (new)

Nicholas Book One: The Growing Dim Project

I've been promoting through goodreads advertising. I'm interactive on Kindle boards, Posted a few blogs here on goodreads. I've done flyering, I was recently a vendor at a psychic fair where I made a table made up of a presentation board of what my book is about,and a laptop setup with a powerpoint presentation. I also gave a small book lecture at the psychic fair. I'm also waiting for Book One: The Growing Dim Project to become available on so that I can do an in-store promotion with them as well....

Not to mention I made business cards with instructions on how to download my ebook.

Nicholas A. McGirr

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Tips for Self Promotion, Sales, and Advertising

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The Growing Dim Project: Book One (other topics)

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Nicholas A. McGirr (other topics)