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Ratings from A to Z > The Knights and their Ladies

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message 1: by *TheWrittenWord*Mo (last edited Sep 18, 2011 01:47PM) (new)

*TheWrittenWord*Mo (thewrittenwordmo) There are HFG's in almost every book and they often are coupled with a Lady. This rating will be about them. Which couple do you prefer of the other, which is you least favourite and which one is somewhere inbetween?

The rating is easy, just copy&paste the list below and then rank them in your order of preference.
Please don't add a couple, it'll get confusing once I add up the end score, if I forget a couple that you think should really be on the list then tell a mod first before adding it.
Oh and one more thing, you have to rate ALL of the listed couples.

This will end on December 1st!!

message 2: by *TheWrittenWord*Mo (last edited Sep 05, 2011 01:21PM) (new)

*TheWrittenWord*Mo (thewrittenwordmo) The list:

Rose and Dimitri - VA
Suze and Jesse - the mediator
Mac and Barrons - fever
Clary and Jace - TMI
Zoey and Stark - HoN
Zoey and Heath - HoN
Bella and Edward - Twilight
Elena and Stephan - TVD
Elena and Damon - TVD
Bonnie and Damon - TVD
Helen and Lucas - Starcrossed
Elisabeth and Mr Darcy - Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester - Jane Eyre
Katniss and Peeta - HG
Katniss and Gale- HG
Wanda and Ian - The Host
Mel and Jared - The Host
Juliet and Romeo - R&J
Yelena and Valek - Poison study
Opal and Kade - Storm glass
Opal and Devlen - Spy glass
Aislinn and Seth - WL
Aislinn and Keenan - WL
Donna and Keenan - WL
Lindy and Kyle - Beastly
Ivy and Tristan - Kissed by an Angel
Clare and Henry - Time traveler's wife

*TheWrittenWord*Mo (thewrittenwordmo) LET THE VOTING BEGIN!!

message 4: by Natshane, H.F.G.Stealer (new)

Natshane | 5296 comments Mod
Should I post my vote here?

message 5: by Emilija (new)

Emilija (coffeechatter) Bonnie and Damon! TVD

message 6: by Natshane, H.F.G.Stealer (last edited Sep 23, 2011 01:07AM) (new)

Natshane | 5296 comments Mod
8-Rose and Dimitri - VA
9-Mac and Barrons - fever
8-Clary and Jace - TMI
7-Zoey and Stark - HoN
5-Zoey and Heath - HoN
7-Bella and Edward - Twilight
7-Elena and Stephan - TVD
9-Elena and Damon - TVD
8-Bonnie and Damon - TVD
8-Katniss and Peeta - HG
6-Katniss and Gale- HG
7-Wanda and Ian - The Host
7-Mel and Jared - The Host
7-Juliet and Romeo - R&J
6-Lindy and Kyle - Beastly
8-Clare and Henry - Time traveler's wife

*TheWrittenWord*Mo (thewrittenwordmo) yeah vote here, but remember you gotta vote for all of them :P

message 8: by Natshane, H.F.G.Stealer (new)

Natshane | 5296 comments Mod
Hey Mo! Just an idea! You can send a message to the group members telling them about this poll!

*TheWrittenWord*Mo (thewrittenwordmo) oh yeah! forgot about that, thanks Natshane, I'll do that :)

message 10: by christy (new)

christy (superninja) | 1 comments Bonnie and Damon - TVD
all the wayyy!!!

message 11: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie W. Rose and Dimitri

message 12: by Taylor (new)

Taylor Longford Katniss and Peeta

message 13: by Sam (new)

Sam (samroseg) Rose and Dimitri - VA
Suze and Jesse - the mediator
Clary and Jace - TMI
Helen and Lucas - Starcrossed
Katniss and Peeta - HG

message 14: by Natshane, H.F.G.Stealer (new)

Natshane | 5296 comments Mod
TheWrittenWord wrote: "oh yeah! forgot about that, thanks Natshane, I'll do that :)"

You're welcome:D

message 15: by Renée (last edited Sep 23, 2011 08:59AM) (new)

Renée (maagtablet) So am I the only one who read that you have to rate all the couples? :P

Here it goes

2 - Bella and Edward - Twilight
7 - Elena and Stephan - TVD
8 - Elena and Damon - TVD
5 - Bonnie and Damon - TVD
6 - Elisabeth and Mr Darcy - Pride and Prejudice
8 - Juliet and Romeo - R&J
10 - Yelena and Valek - Poison study
8 - Opal and Kade - Storm glass
10 - Opal and Devlen - Spy glass
7 - Clare and Henry - Time traveler's wife

Don't know:
Aislinn and Seth - WL
Aislinn and Keenan - WL
Donna and Keenan - WL
Lindy and Kyle - Beastly
Ivy and Tristan - Kissed by an Angel
Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester - Jane Eyre
Katniss and Peeta - HG
Katniss and Gale- HG
Wanda and Ian - The Host
Mel and Jared - The Host
Rose and Dimitri - VA
Suze and Jesse - the mediator
Mac and Barrons - fever
Clary and Jace - TMI
Zoey and Stark - HoN
Zoey and Heath - HoN
Helen and Lucas - Starcrossed

message 16: by Veronica (new)

Veronica Morfi (vmorfi) | 196 comments (The ones I know)From most favourite to least:

Bonnie and Damon - TVD
Clary and Jace - TMI
Zoey and Stark - HoN
Elena and Damon - TVD
Katniss and Gale- HG
Lindy and Kyle - Beastly
Elisabeth and Mr Darcy - Pride and Prejudice
Elena and Stephan - TVD
Katniss and Peeta - HG
Bella and Edward - Twilight
Zoey and Heath - HoN
Juliet and Romeo - R&J

(The ones I don't know)
Rose and Dimitri - VA
Suze and Jesse - the mediator
Mac and Barrons - fever
Helen and Lucas - Starcrossed
Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester - Jane Eyre
Ivy and Tristan - Kissed by an Angel
Clare and Henry - Time traveler's wife
Aislinn and Seth - WL
Aislinn and Keenan - WL
Donna and Keenan - WL
Opal and Kade - Storm glass
Opal and Devlen - Spy glass
Yelena and Valek - Poison study
Wanda and Ian - The Host
Mel and Jared - The Host

message 17: by Rose (new)

Rose (chomesuke) 10 - Rose and Dimitri - VA
7 - Suze and Jesse - the mediator
9 - Clary and Jace - TMI
5 - Bella and Edward - Twilight
6 - Elena and Stephan - TVD
9 - Elizabeth and Mr Darcy - Pride and Prejudice
8 - Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester - Jane Eyre
8 - Katniss and Peeta - HG
6 - Katniss and Gale- HG
6 - Wanda and Ian - The Host
6 - Mel and Jared - The Host
8 - Aislinn and Seth - WL
6 - Aislinn and Keenan - WL
8 - Donna and Keenan - WL
9 - Lindy and Kyle - Beastly

Don't know:
Ivy and Tristan - Kissed by an Angel
Clare and Henry - Time traveler's wife
Juliet and Romeo - R&J
Yelena and Valek - Poison study
Opal and Kade - Storm glass
Opal and Devlen - Spy glass
Elena and Damon - TVD
Bonnie and Damon - TVD
Helen and Lucas - Starcrossed
Zoey and Stark - HoN
Zoey and Heath - HoN
Mac and Barrons - fever

Lexi (Pink Jellyfish) (blackjack13) | 852 comments 7-Rose and Dimitri - VA

0-Suze and Jesse - the mediator

10-Mac and Barrons - fever

8-Clary and Jace - TMI

8-Zoey and Stark - HoN

7-Zoey and Heath - HoN

8-Bella and Edward - Twilight

4-Elena and Stephan - TVD

6-Elena and Damon - TVD

8-Bonnie and Damon - TVD

9-Helen and Lucas - Starcrossed

10-Elisabeth and Mr Darcy - Pride and Prejudice

9-Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester - Jane Eyre

6-Katniss and Peeta - HG

5-Katniss and Gale- HG

10-Wanda and Ian - The Host

8-Mel and Jared - The Host

8-Juliet and Romeo - R&J

0-Yelena and Valek - Poison study

0-Opal and Kade - Storm glass

0-Opal and Devlen - Spy glass

10-Aislinn and Seth - WL

5-Aislinn and Keenan - WL

9-Donna and Keenan - WL

6-Lindy and Kyle - Beastly

0-Ivy and Tristan - Kissed by an Angel

10-Clare and Henry - Time traveler's wife

I voted with 0 the ones i didnt read yet :)

message 19: by Hadeel (new)

Hadeel | 1 comments 7-Lindy and Kyle - Beastly
10-Clary and Jace - TMI
5-Bella and Edward - Twilight
10-Katniss and Peeta - HG
8-Katniss and Gale- HG
3-Juliet and Romeo - R&J
i didn't read the others, but i think you guys forgot to include Patch and Nora from Hush, Hush. I give them 10.

message 20: by Beatrice (new)

Beatrice (beatricemasalunga) Edward and Bella(Twilight)= 8
Damon and Bonnie(TVD)= 9
Zoey and Stark(HoN)=10
Kyle and Lindy(Beastly)= 10
Damon and Elena(TVD)= 7
Romeo and Juliet= 5
Zoey and Heath(HoN)=7

( I wonder where's Patch and Nora of Hush Hush)

message 21: by Sangita (new)

Sangita (bookworm105) edward and bella(twilight)=8
romeo and juliet(R&J)=8
Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester - Jane Eyre=7

Kayleigh {K-Books} (kayley_12) 9 - Rose and Dimitri - VA
7 - Suze and Jesse - the mediator
10 - Mac and Barrons - fever
9 - Clary and Jace - TMI
8 - Zoey and Stark - HoN
1 - Zoey and Heath - HoN
4 - Bella and Edward - Twilight
3 - Elena and Stephan - TVD
6 - Elena and Damon - TVD
8 - Bonnie and Damon - TVD
NOT READ Helen and Lucas - Starcrossed
3 - Elisabeth and Mr Darcy - Pride and Prejudice
NOT READ Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester - Jane Eyre
10 - Katniss and Peeta - HG
1 - Katniss and Gale- HG
8 - Wanda and Ian - The Host
9 - Mel and Jared - The Host
4 - Juliet and Romeo - R&J
NOT READ Yelena and Valek - Poison study
NOT READ Opal and Kade - Storm glass
NOT READ Opal and Devlen - Spy glass
NOT READ Aislinn and Seth - WL
NOT READ Aislinn and Keenan - WL
NOT READ Donna and Keenan - WL
5 - Lindy and Kyle - Beastly
7 - Ivy and Tristan - Kissed by an Angel
6 - Clare and Henry - Time traveler's wife

message 23: by Zee (new)

Zee I'll post mine soon:D

*TheWrittenWord*Mo (thewrittenwordmo) Beatrice I could add Patch and Nora to the list of more members agree :D

keep it up everyone, we might have a definite favourite by december!

message 25: by Alexandra (new)

Alexandra (alexstalteri) | 513 comments TheWrittenWord wrote: "There are HFG's in almost every book and they often are coupled with a Lady. This rating will be about them. Which couple do you prefer of the other, which is you least favourite and which one is s..."

1. Rose and Dimitri - VA
2. Bella and Edward- Twilight
3. Zoey and Stark - HoN
4. Zoey and Heath - HoN
5. Elena and Stephan - TVD
6. Elena and Damon - TVD
7. Bonnie and Damon - TVD
8. Mel and Jared - The Host
9. Wanda and Ian - The Host
10.Juliet and Romeo - R&J

Dont know:

Suze and Jesse - the mediator
Mac and Barrons - fever
Clary and Jace - TMI
Helen and Lucas - Starcrossed
Elisabeth and Mr Darcy - Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester - Jane Eyre
Katniss and Peeta - HG
Katniss and Gale- HG
Juliet and Romeo - R&J
Yelena and Valek - Poison study
Opal and Kade - Storm glass
Opal and Devlen - Spy glass
Aislinn and Seth - WL
Aislinn and Keenan - WL
Donna and Keenan - WL
Lindy and Kyle - Beastly
Ivy and Tristan - Kissed by an Angel
Clare and Henry - Time traveler's wife

message 26: by Natshane, H.F.G.Stealer (new)

Natshane | 5296 comments Mod
TheWrittenWord wrote: "Beatrice I could add Patch and Nora to the list of more members agree :D

keep it up everyone, we might have a definite favourite by december!"

Can't wait for the best couples!

*TheWrittenWord*Mo (thewrittenwordmo) Natshane wrote: "TheWrittenWord wrote: "Beatrice I could add Patch and Nora to the list of more members agree :D

keep it up everyone, we might have a definite favourite by december!"

Can't wait for the best couples!..."

I know!! same here :)

message 28: by Justine (new)

Justine Saulnier (goodreadscombookworm247) | 9 comments Bonnie and Damon- TVD
Elena and Damon- TVD
I can't remember anything else

message 29: by Jojobean (last edited Oct 18, 2011 04:35PM) (new)

Jojobean I dont know all these couples so im just gonna rate the ones i know.

1. Elena and Damon - TVD
2. Elena and Stephan - TVD
3. Bonnie and Damon - TVD
4. Juliet and Romeo - R&J
5. Bella and Edward - Twilight
6. Lindy and Kyle - Beastly

*TheWrittenWord*Mo (thewrittenwordmo) keep it up y'all!!

just rank as many people as you can that would be really helpful :D

message 31: by Mariya (new)

Mariya 1.Clary and Jace - TMI
2.Katniss and Peeta - HG
3.Lindy and Kyle - Beastly
4.Bella and Edward - Twilight

*TheWrittenWord*Mo (thewrittenwordmo) I'm almost done with matching up all the couples so have a little bit more patience and the list will be here soon :) as well as the next list ;)

Maida (Medley of Books) (maidasmedleyofbooks) 9 - Rose and Dimitri - VA
Didn't read- Suze and Jesse - the mediator
10 - Mac and Barrons - fever
9 - Clary and Jace - TMI
8 - Zoey and Stark - HoN
1 - Zoey and Heath - HoN
5 - Bella and Edward - Twilight
3 - Elena and Stephan - TVD
8 - Elena and Damon - TVD
2 - Bonnie and Damon - TVD
Didn't read - Helen and Lucas - Starcrossed
Didn't read - Elisabeth and Mr Darcy - Pride and Prejudice
Didn't read - Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester - Jane Eyre
10 - Katniss and Peeta - HG
3 - Katniss and Gale- HG
Didn't read - Wanda and Ian - The Host
Didn't read - Mel and Jared - The Host
5 - Juliet and Romeo - R&J
9 - Yelena and Valek - Poison study
7 - Opal and Kade - Storm glass
9 - Opal and Devlen - Spy glass
Didn't read - Aislinn and Seth - WL
Didn't read - Aislinn and Keenan - WL
Didn't read - Donna and Keenan - WL
5 - Lindy and Kyle - Beastly (didn't read but saw movie)
Didn't read - Ivy and Tristan - Kissed by an Angel
8 - Clare and Henry - Time traveler's wife (didn't read but saw movie)

*TheWrittenWord*Mo (thewrittenwordmo) And here it is Ladies and Gentlemen the Ratings of Fictional Couples by EYAB members!!!!

1. Bonnie and Damon - TVD

2. Clary and Jace - TMI

3. Katniss and Peeta - HG

4. Rose and Dimitri - VA

5. Elena and Damon - TVD

6. Bella and Edward - Twilight

7. Zoey and Stark - HoN
Lindy and Kyle - Beastly

8. Elena and Stephan - TVD
Juliet and Romeo - R&J

9. Mac and Barrons - Fever

10.Clare and Henry - Time traveller’s wife

11. Zoey and Heath - HoN

12. Wanda and Ian - The Host
Elisabeth and Mr Darcy - Pride and Prejudice
Mel and Jared - The Host
Katniss and Gale - HG

13. Suze and Jesse - the Mediator

14. Yelena and Valek - Poison study
Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester - Jane Eyre

15. Helen and Lucas - Starcrossed
Opal and Devlen - Spy glass
Aislinn and Seth - WL

16. Donna and Keenan - WL

17. Opal and Kade - Storm glass

18. Patch and Nora - Hush Hush

19. Aislinn and Keenan - WL

20. Ivy and Tristan - Kissed by an Angel

*TheWrittenWord*Mo (thewrittenwordmo) There were some with the same amount of rating points so that's why so places are shared :)

Go Bonnie and Damon!!! :P

*TheWrittenWord*Mo (thewrittenwordmo) THIS RATING IS NOW CLOSED!

message 37: by Natshane, H.F.G.Stealer (new)

Natshane | 5296 comments Mod

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