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Author Info & Writing Discussion > The Purpose of This Section

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message 1: by Juli (new)

Juli (mrsmarit) | 161 comments Per the discussion over at this topic The Future Of This Group there was a request for a place to post "plot bunny" ideas or a place to show off your creativity in general.

message 2: by Mirvan. (new)

Mirvan. Ereon (mirvanereon) | 72 comments haha how you define plot bunny?

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

What do you mean by 'plot bunny'?

message 4: by Kaje (last edited Jun 12, 2012 11:00AM) (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments I can't edit Juli's statement - will delete and fix this sometime since the section is now about stories and not plot bunnies.

We actually have a "Plot Bunny" thread : somehow (*insert writerly urban legend here*) those story ideas that sneak into your brain and demand to be written have come to be known as "plot bunnies". So I might say "That picture gave me a plot bunny" or "there are twelve dueling plot-bunnies in my head right now - please someone find a mental shotgun." Sort of a substitute for "idea for a story".

I always have too many plot bunnies around - mine take Viagra and breed when I'm not looking. This is the thread where some people list theirs in the hope of infesting some other writer with the ideas to write the story for them, (or for a reality check or comments or whatever on stories they may be planning.) I'm too possessive of mine, mostly. Well, I did try to get K Mason to write a romance that plot-bunnied me about a relationship between her overworked guardian angels one time...


This thread is kind of redundant with that one - we'll have to tidy up some time.

message 5: by K (new)

K (k-polipetl) | 4090 comments Kaje wrote: " Well, I did try to get K Mason to write a romance that plot-bunnied me about a relationship between her overworked guardian angels one time....."

Your plot bunny is still alive well and growing up nicely :p Unfortunately as Rupert is in charge of story flow and negotiations with characters he's also learning patience..... :)

message 6: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments K wrote: "Your plot bunny is still alive well and growing up nicely :p Unfortunately as Rupert is in charge of story flow and negotiations with characters he's also learning patience..... :)

I need a Rupert - my little buggers...ah, bunnies, are unruly and in a free-for-all.

message 7: by K (new)

K (k-polipetl) | 4090 comments Kaje wrote: "I need a Rupert - my little buggers...ah, bunnies, are unruly and in a free-for-all. "

You seriously want one bully of a plot bunny that makes all the d*mn decision as to what and when you are going to write whether you like it or not??

Oh and who sometimes sides with the characters, and is on occasion extremely smug when you end up doing what he wanted in the first place!

I should be used to him by now, after all he's been hanging around for over 10 years now .... though I find leaving recipes for rabbit pie out on the side sometimes helps keep him in line

message 8: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments K wrote: "Kaje wrote: "I need a Rupert - my little buggers...ah, bunnies, are unruly and in a free-for-all. "

You seriously want one bully of a plot bunny that makes all the d*mn decision as to what and whe..."

Well then I might not have four different novels in progress, and found myself writing four short stories at the same time... but no, no bunny will be the boss of me.

message 9: by Jo (new)

Jo Ramsey (Jo_Ramsey) | 1017 comments I was handed a romance plot bunny on a Yahoo loop... Otherwise, my bunnies either come from things people say to me online or they just show up and wallop me upside the head.

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