SA Book & Challenge Lovers discussion

Retired Challenges > January SA Word Challenge

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message 1: by Lauren (last edited Dec 20, 2011 04:10AM) (new)

Lauren Smith The word is WOES. Lets get started!

Use the books you finish in January to fill out the word, using the first letter of the first word in the title (excluding 'the', 'a' or 'an') or the first letter of the author's name, middle name or surname.

Good luck everyone!

message 2: by Claudia (last edited Jan 15, 2012 01:58PM) (new)

message 4: by Lu (last edited Feb 01, 2012 10:00AM) (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod
Here we go:

☑W - Romeo and Juliet or Supernaturally or Where She Went
O - Once Bitten, Twice Shy or Pandemonium
☑E - Everneath by Brodi Ashton
☑S - Switched by Amanda Hocking


☑Azuri Fae
☑New Girl
☑The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax
☑Fourth Degree Freedom (Review book)(short stories)
Déjà Dead by Kathy Reich
Tommorrow when the war began
Heist Society
☑Deadly Little Secret

message 5: by Lauren (last edited Jan 16, 2012 11:03PM) (new)

Lauren Smith W - The Whisperer by Donato Carrisi
O - Fantastic Women featuring a story by Gina Ochsner
E - Enormity by W.G. Marshall
S - This Devil's Dice by Jackson Spence

message 7: by Liezel (last edited Jan 14, 2012 06:35AM) (new)

Liezel (liezkl) | 736 comments W - Warped - Maurissa Guibord
O - Before I Fall - Lauren Oliver
E - Perfect Chemistry - Simone Elkeles
S - Chain Reaction - Simone Elkeles

message 8: by Shannon SA (last edited Jan 09, 2012 09:10PM) (new)

Shannon SA (shannonsa) W
E East of Eden by John Steinbeck
S The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen

message 9: by Tamarin (last edited Jan 31, 2012 04:27AM) (new)

Tamarin Dowling | 41 comments Wanderlove - Bella Malory
O Little Town - Don Reid
Entwined - Heather Dixon
Susanna Kersley - Every Secret Thing

The Sugar Queen
The Peach Keeper
The Firefly Dance
Every Secret Thing
The Ice Queen

Not going to make it :(

message 10: by Liezel (new)

Liezel (liezkl) | 736 comments completed

message 11: by Claudia (new)

Claudia (claudiavstoomanybooks) | 1779 comments Nice, congrats!

message 12: by Barbara (new)

Barbara | 4434 comments Mod
I can't seem to find a book with an O, so I am sitting this one out :(

message 13: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (kathldk) | 141 comments What about Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood?

message 14: by Barbara (new)

Barbara | 4434 comments Mod
Yeah, that is a possibility but I don't have that book so I would have to order it and by the time it gets to me the month is over. I also don't have an e-reader so downloading is also not really an option because then I have to read it sitting at my desk which isn't really comfortable. Ah well, maybe I will find one in my very big to read pile and if not then maybe next month the word will be easier for me :)

message 15: by Claudia (new)

Claudia (claudiavstoomanybooks) | 1779 comments Done!

message 16: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (kathldk) | 141 comments Barbara - ah, I see. That does make it tricky.

message 17: by Liezel (new)

Liezel (liezkl) | 736 comments Congrats Claudia!

message 18: by Barbara (new)

Barbara | 4434 comments Mod

message 19: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Smith Done!

message 20: by Claudia (new)

Claudia (claudiavstoomanybooks) | 1779 comments Well done! :)

message 21: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Smith Thanks, same to you!

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

Wow, you all make me jealous! :)

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