Happily Ever After Cafe discussion

Authors' Promo/Blogs/Booksites > Giveaway of DEFIANT by Kris Kennedy

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message 1: by Dashing (new)

Dashing Duchesses | 1 comments Good morning, fellow lovers of Historical Romance! We are featuring Kris Kennedy on our blog today with a change to win one of two signed copies of Defiant. Stop by and say hello for a chance to win! www.DashingDuchesses.com

~The Duchesses

(If you love medieval romance, adventure, and hottie-hot heroes, this book is for you!)
Defiant by Kris Kennedy

message 2: by Pamela(AllHoney), Fairy Godmother (new)

Pamela(AllHoney) (pamelap) | 14526 comments Thanks, will do!

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