Q&A with Janelle Stalder discussion

Eden-South, Book Three Predictions!

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message 1: by Janelle (new)

Janelle Stalder | 201 comments Mod
I'd love to hear what you think might happen next!!

Kayleigh {K-Books} (kayley_12) | 114 comments I don't have predictions just a demand!
Wolf and Elisa finally get their heads sorted out and admit their feelings for each other.

message 3: by Janelle (new)

Janelle Stalder | 201 comments Mod
I guess I sould have seen that one coming

Kayleigh {K-Books} (kayley_12) | 114 comments =D
Really what else did you expect?

message 5: by Janelle (new)

Janelle Stalder | 201 comments Mod
lol it was pretty obvious I guess.

Terri ♥ (aka Mrs. Christian Grey) (mybookboyfriend) | 97 comments Okay, (view spoiler)

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