Making Connections discussion

ARCHIVES - ARRs Completed > 480. TAME A WILD BRIDE (Tame series, Book 3) by Cynthia Woolf

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message 1: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 14676 comments Mod
Cynthia Woolf


Genre: Historical Western Romance

Book Description

Rosie Stanton climbed on a west-bound train to answer his ad for a wife and mother, everything she wants to be. But Tom Harris lied. He doesn't want a wife, merely a mother for his two abandoned children and a cook and cleaner for his ranch. Betrayed once, he's vowed never to let another woman into his heart. Sexy Rosie upsets all his plans and threatens to invade his scarred heart. How will he maintain his vow to keep his hands off her as she charms his children, his cow hands, his life?

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Formats available: Smashwords

All reviews should be completed and posted within 4 weeks after you recieve your copy of the ebook.

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message 2: by Anne (new)

Anne (crazybakingmom) | 10 comments this sounds like a fun read. Would love a copy if any are still available.

[email protected]

message 3: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 14676 comments Mod
sent in your request Anne

message 4: by Anne (new)

Anne (crazybakingmom) | 10 comments Thanks Tana!

message 5: by Dee (new)

Dee (deelovesromance) | 2 comments This sounds interesting. Definitely would like to read if still available [email protected]

message 6: by Sheri, Bookworm (new)

Sheri | 6803 comments Mod
Sent your request Deedee

message 7: by Dee (new)

Dee (deelovesromance) | 2 comments Thanks Sheri!!

message 8: by Anne (new)

Anne (crazybakingmom) | 10 comments I completely forgot to post the link to my review, so here it is -

Thanks again for the opportunity to read tis

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