10096426 Nic's Friend Comments

Comments (showing 11-60)    post a comment »

Christina Marie No problem and thanks to you too! :D

message 59: by Sarah

Sarah Happy Hump Day my lovely...... xx

message 58: by Trisha

Trisha Harrington No problem. Thank you for accepting. :)

message 57: by Ana

Ana Thanks for accepting Nic!

message 56: by Sarah

Sarah Happy Friday Hun......

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

And before you think any different.....he's dreaming about ME ok??? Lol. Have a great Friday and an even better weekend xoxo

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Yay! Glad you grabbed them!!

message 54: by Vishous

Vishous hey Nic :)

it means i added it but haven't read blurb or many reviews yet :) basically don't know what is going on hahahaha

message 53: by A.

A. End "Someone has to set a bad example." LOL! Glad I'm not the only one. xoxo

message 52: by Deeze

Deeze Hi Nicki, I'm always happy to make a new friend lol. Thanks for the invite. Hope to connect soon.

message 51: by Heller

Heller Thanks for the invite! Looking forward to talking books with you. :)

message 50: by Macky

Macky Hi Nic so happy to have you as a friend. Thanks for invite. I think we've just both joined sweetspot so we can chat twice! Lol. :D

message 49: by Monique

Monique Happy Friday Nic!!

 photo tumblr_mkpco9o2JQ1rldtu7o1_400.gif

message 48: by Elena

Elena Kincaid Hi NicStar,

Thanks so much for the friendship add. :)

message 46: by Wendy

Wendy Hi Nicki! Thanks for the invite, look forward to chatting with you. :)

message 45: by Vio

Vio I am raiding your shelves now lol!

message 44: by Vio

Vio Hey Nic,

Thanks for the friendship, hope to see you around.

message 43: by Gigi

Gigi Hello new friend! We are going to get along great! :)

Bookwatcher Thanks for yout friendship request :)
Looking forward too to chat about books!
Happy readings :)

message 41: by Mark

Mark Hi Nicola,
Nice 03
Thanks for the friend request. I'm always amazed too at the amount of women who read m/m fiction but that is absolutely fine by me. No prejudice here ;-)I know what you mean by getting a male perspective on things, but I see our tastes are 93% similar when comparing books, not bad eh? At the moment the views seem to be divided on the new Ty and Zane book, but I think they always were anyway. You either love them or you don't, however men do process feelings differently to women I guess and at the moment I can only say (from a male perspective)Abi has really tugged at the male emotional heart strings and hit home. Yep, that's men sometimes, emotionally stunted and the only answer is to walk away, don't talk about it, ignore it and have a beer - lol!
Anway, looking forward to talking books with you.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Thanks for the friend-vite :)

Michele ~ la Smoocherina Thanks for the invite! Look forward to seeing you around GR!

message 38: by Jack

Jack Pyke Awww, thank you, Nic! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

We're pretty much snowed in over here, so I'm in for some serious reading time. All coffee, blankets, and books. Lol, and only a week away from UK official summer time.

Don't be a stranger ;)

message 37: by Jack

Jack Pyke Thank you for the friend invite, NicStar ;)

message 36: by Cindi

Cindi Thanks for the friend request, Nic. :)

Jenny - TotallybookedBlog Hey Nic,

Thanks for the FR. Look forward to chatting books :)

message 34: by Ian

Ian Hey Nic,
Thanks for the friend invite.
talk soon

KindleRomance Reviews Thanks for the invite Nic!! Looking forward to reading your reviews and chatting!

Mandy*reads obsessively* I'm hoping for another LiaW event so I can catch up. :)

Mandy*reads obsessively* You are doing great on your challenge, and I'm 13 behind...sniff. ;)

Mandy*reads obsessively* Yes, well a group of us decided to go for numbers ending in those. ;)
So far, I'm terribly behind.

Mandy*reads obsessively* Hi Nicki, thanks for the friend request I look forward to talking books with you. :)

message 28: by Sarah

Sarah Thanks if the invite Nicki, I look forward to chatting books with you, especially the mm ones ;D

message 27: by Monique (last edited Feb 26, 2013 02:11PM)

Monique Hey Nic thanks so much for the friend request, I have seen you on here loads so it will be great to chat:D

message 26: by Rach

Rach Thank you so much for the lovely message :)

I have seen you around GR's quite a bit too. I'm usually shouting my mouth off or being sarcastic as that is my way.

I love meeting new people on here and chatting so please chat away. I don't bite- well not much ;) I am VERY sarcastic so please take no notice as I don't think I ever say anything serious on here lol

message 25: by Kristen

Kristen Hi Nic. Thanks for the invite. I look forward to discussing books with you. Thanks for the sweet comment about my reviews.

It's just me Shelly B Thanks for the invite:). I love Ty and Zane!!! I'm looking forward to chatting books with you:)

message 23: by Linda (last edited Feb 21, 2013 08:02PM)

Linda Hi Nic, thanks for the freind invite look forwarded to chatting! Linda

Blacky *Romance Addict* NicStar wrote: "Wow, your new name's a mouthful! :D"

ahahahha I'm just kidding around with some friends :DD will change it back soon :)

message 21: by Piper

Piper Vaughn Hey! Thanks for the friend request! Glad you're enjoying my books. <3

message 20: by Kris

Kris Hi Nic,

Thanks for the friend request! It's great to know another Aussie reader who appreciates the 'u'. ;)

BTW, sorry I haven't been in touch earlier. Stupid email has been gobbling up stuff.

Best, Kris.

message 19: by Dani

Dani Alexander Thanks for the well-wishes, Nicstar <3 I'm excited and very honored to even be mentioned. =D

Awilk -never sleeps- Sharing my pizza with you.
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message 17: by Kerry

Kerry Hi Nicki! Thanks for the friend invite. I'm glad to see that you read a lot of m/m because that is what I mainly read these days. :)

Tammy K. Hello Nic, Thanks for the friend invite. I look forward to reading your reviews and checking out your bookshelves.

message 15: by Idamus

Idamus Hi, thanks for the friends invite :)

message 14: by Monique

Monique Hi, Nicki! Thank you for the friend request. I always welcome friending fellow m/m romance readers :) Looking forward to chatting with you!

message 13: by Gina

Gina Thanks for connecting NicStar! Have a great reading day :)

Rain Hart Hey, Nic. Thanks for the invite! It's always great to meet another fan of m/m books!
Looking forward to chatting with you! :)

message 11: by Beck

Beck Thanks for the friend-vite Nic...

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