3003532 Darynda's Friend Comments

Comments (showing 78-127)    post a comment »

message 127: by Donna

Donna Thank you Darynda for becoming a friend on Goodreads. I love your Charlie Davidson series of books. I want to get the whole series. I just have a couple right now. Am working on getting the others. Thanks so much for that series of books.

message 126: by Angela (last edited Sep 29, 2015 07:33PM)

Angela Verdenius I just love your Charlie Davidson books, they are an automatic buy for me. The humour, the romance, the *hotness* of Reyes, Charlie's wise cracks, the side characters - can't wait for the next book!

message 125: by JoRead

JoRead Thank you for accepting my friend request! I'm so elated right now!

message 124: by Raven

Raven I thrive when a new book comes out, and whine till the next one comes out. TODAY, on a day that was full of tears, funeral plans being made... you wrote me back a simple little text on Facebook and I found a smile. <3 Thank you so much.

I have been rereading the series because it is my "mac and cheese" type of book that I can read just to make me feel better when I was sitting at the hospital.


message 123: by Bibsi

Bibsi I always get chills reading your books! Then comes the anxiety as the book starts end. Sometimes I have to force myself to do something else just so I know that I have something to come back to! It's like I'm waging a psychological warfare against your book...of course I never win. That's cause you have Reyes on your side (*sighhhh*) and that funny shit that Charlie always seems to spout. Thank you ever so much.


message 121: by Marie

Marie Hi Darynda I absolutely loved Death and the Girl Next Door. Can't wait to read the other instalments. How come their not available on kindle though? Would be so convenient.
Thanks for accepting the friend request :).

message 120: by Rosanna

Rosanna Leo Lovely to meet you, Darynda! Thanks for accepting my request.

message 119: by Deneé

Deneé "Sixth Grave to Be Announced" sounds like a pretty great title, lol! Quite looking forward to 5 & 6! Happy Reading & Writing!
-Deneé J.

message 118: by Mel

Mel Happy New Year, Darynda! I hope everything is grand your way. ;)

message 117: by Sophia

Sophia Hi Darynda!

Thanks for accepting my friend request. I enjoy your books. Your writing voice is so unique and even if the subject is dark I can count on still being amused.

Hope your new year is going well.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ❤ Angel ~ Of Monsters and Men ❤ Can't wait for the new Charley Davidson book to come out! Pre-ordered and anxiously waiting, I know it's going to be in my favourites shelf once I've finished :D

message 115: by Bel

Bel Hi from spain!!! I have to tell you thankss for your books are amazing I'm reading charley Davidson books and omg she is one of the most hilarious and amazing characters ever hahaha and wow thanks for friend me back :D

message 114: by Lori

Lori K Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Darknessa I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE FRIENDS! *passes out*
I think the accurate term to describe me is 'stalker' rather than a fan :D

are we going to see an excerpt soon? I can beg for one, I can beg better than professionals, truthfully I can beg so good I'd make you beg me to beg some more
*is pathetic*

I'm freakin out myself a bit, I think I'm passing out again :D

message 112: by Lori

Lori I'm suffering from Charley Davidson withdrawal (^_^;)
I think I'll have to do a re-read of the series to help me through. BTW, love, love, love the series. I bought my sister and my sister-in-law "First Grave On the Right" and made them promise to read it. They don't have the same taste in books as I do, but I don't hold it against them.

message 111: by Karyn

Karyn Hello Darynda! I am loving your Charley/Reyes books. I've read the first two and I am about to begin the 3rd one. They just keep getting better!! I can hardly wait to open it! Thanks so much!

George Wani Glad to meet u! thanks for accepting my friend request

message 109: by Mehwish

Mehwish naqvi Hey Darynda!thank you for accepting my friend request.

message 108: by Darynda

Darynda Jones Carina wrote: "Oh dear Darynda, do you know how happy I am that the release for Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet has been moved to October 2012?
I am such a fan of yours, and knowing there's more to c..."

Hey, Carina, and thank you!!!! I'm in Alb all the time, but I might try to do a signing in Santa Fe this go around. I never have. But I'll def be at Page One and Bookworks in Alb.

Thanks again! ~D~

message 107: by Darynda

Darynda Jones Leigh wrote: "Thanks for the friend add, Darynda!!! I have just read and LOVED all of Charley's books! You did an outstanding job, and I look so forward to Fourth Grave. How many books do you have planned for..."

Thank you so much, Leigh!!!!

message 106: by Carina

Carina Oh dear Darynda, do you know how happy I am that the release for Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet has been moved to October 2012?
I am such a fan of yours, and knowing there's more to come soon, makes my day. My week. My month!
Are you planning on doing a signing or anything in, or near Santa Fe NM?
I would love to go.
Keep up the great work. You are brilliant!
Sicerelly, Carina.

message 105: by Leigh

Leigh Thanks for the friend add, Darynda!!! I have just read and LOVED all of Charley's books! You did an outstanding job, and I look so forward to Fourth Grave. How many books do you have planned for the series?

message 104: by Darynda

Darynda Jones Thanks Angela! So glad to hear that!

message 103: by Angela

Angela Thanks for the add! I didn't want Third Grave Dead Ahead to end! LOVED it!

message 102: by Darynda

Darynda Jones Michele wrote: "Thank you for accepting my friend request. You have now gained another fan. Loved First Grave on the Right. I heard co-workers talking about your book. Now I can understand the gossip. It is fasina..."

Oh thank you, Michele! I love that they were gossiping. LOL!

message 101: by Darynda

Darynda Jones K. wrote: "I absolutely loved the latest addition to Charley Davidson's story. great job!"

Yay! Thank you!!!

message 100: by Darynda

Darynda Jones Lucinda wrote: "Dear Darynda,
As a huge admirer and fan of your work i would like to thank you so, so much for being my friend on Goodreads. Your 3-part trilogy on Charley Davidson is apsolutely fantastic and i ..."

Thank you so much, Lucinda!

☠Thesie† you re very welcomed

Ayden☜☆☞Echo No problem. O wpuld look forward in reading your books

message 97: by K.

K. I absolutely loved the latest addition to Charley Davidson's story. great job!

message 96: by Darynda

Darynda Jones Ruvinika wrote: "Hey Darynda,

Okay, so I read all 4 released books of your Charley Davidson series and I am in LOVE. 8->

So umm... why don't you go ahead and release the next book of the series a bit sooner cuz...."

SUKI!!! Thank you so, so much! My mind is a mystery to me too, so don't feel bad. hehehe

Thanks again! You can be my neighbor any day. <3

message 95: by Darynda

Darynda Jones Samantha wrote: "I was wondering (and you have probably answered this a trillion times) if the sandals depicted on the cover of the first book are available retail...I would LOVE to get a pair of those! Aside from..."

Thank you, Samantha! The shoes are real, but they are VERY expensive and are sold out everywhere. (I tried, lol.) They are designer Alexander McQueens. I would kill to have a pair!

message 94: by Darynda

Darynda Jones Shelley wrote: "Thank you very much for accepting my friendship request Ms Darynda. I am a total fan, and can't wait for Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet in 2013 to see what happens next."

Oh thank you, Shelley!!!!

Samantha I was wondering (and you have probably answered this a trillion times) if the sandals depicted on the cover of the first book are available retail...I would LOVE to get a pair of those! Aside from that I have to say I adore your books and that my sister is starting book 1 on audio this week- she will be thanking me for that little nudge. :-) Thanks for the add and have a good one!

message 92: by Bugsbunzy (last edited Feb 06, 2012 02:22AM)

Bugsbunzy Hey Darynda,

Okay, so I read all 4 released books of your Charley Davidson series and I am in LOVE. 8->

So umm... why don't you go ahead and release the next book of the series a bit sooner cuz..:-s OMG 2013 is like light-years away and my parents used to call me an impatient brat when I was little and now they are complaining that I'll never grow up. But I assure you ma'am it's not my fault that I can't wait for the next book, it's entirely yours and Charlie's only.

The main fact that keeps me enthralled in your books is that they are awfully funny. No soul can pour laughter into books like that without being humorous-to-no-end themselves. (I think I'm going to move in next to you in your neighbourhood, you know being the friendly-stalking-neighbour-chick and all....cuz I can use as much as hilarious chitchat right about now.)

[image error]

You know how to maintain the standard of the book - always better than the previous - without disappointing the readers.
Sadly enough it is a fact where most writers go wrong. They start with a spark and a story full of potential only to let it die a shameful death in the sequel.
But 'Charley Davidson' is a story started with a flame and going on full swing in becoming an inferno throughout the whole series. I have nothing but elevated expectations for the next book.

The fact that your books are extremely hard to predict is official now. They keep me constantly observant and calculating odds to foresee what comes next only to jump into skewed conclusions ending up flabbergasted. (Oh man.. I so wanted to use that word in a review or a letter or in any written format.. :D). Because I believe I am really good at predicting ends (Don’t take me lightly cuz I truly am and nope I am not bragging… :D …okay maybe a little bit…) and you leave me out of breath in each and every ending of your stories.
Even if endings of some books of certain writers are hard to foretell at first, when you get attuned to their way of thinking after couple of books or so, you can easily guess what comes next. But the way your mind works my dear lady is still a mystery to me...which is quite refreshing actually; cuz too much perception on how a story is going to end only after reading halfway through a book, leaves me utterly bored and when they become too conventional I stop reading further all together.

So anyway...by leaving you this short message (ahem!), I wanted to let you know that I am so impressed in your writing skills. So I decided to become your eternal fan which is short for I-will-read-whatever-you-write. So hurry up and write some more.

Sincere stalking eternal fan,

missEvi [can't commit to a book] Thank you for accepting! A huge fan from Greece!

message 90: by Shelley

Shelley Thank you very much for accepting my friendship request Ms Darynda. I am a total fan, and can't wait for Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet in 2013 to see what happens next.

message 89: by Darynda

Darynda Jones Autumn wrote: "Absolutely! Your books are by far the funniest and most thoroughly entertaining things I have had the pleasure of reading in a long time. Thanks for the add! - Autumn"

Oh thank you!!!!!! *happy face*

message 88: by Autumn

Autumn Absolutely! Your books are by far the funniest and most thoroughly entertaining things I have had the pleasure of reading in a long time. Thanks for the add! - Autumn

message 87: by Darynda

Darynda Jones Jennifer wrote: "I must say that I love your Charley Davidson series. My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy when i start laughing out loud whiole reading the book but I must say that i cannot get enough. I just downloade..."

Thank you so much, Jennifer!!!! So glad you're liking the series! I love to laugh too.

Hippiehello I must say that I love your Charley Davidson series. My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy when i start laughing out loud whiole reading the book but I must say that i cannot get enough. I just downloaded the 3rd one and am ready to read it (if only i didn't have to work, it would give me more time to read...stupid work). Thanks for the great series and I'm already excited for the 4th one!!!

message 85: by Darynda

Darynda Jones Ruvinika wrote: "Hey Ms.Darynda,

Thanks for accepting my friend request. Today I started reading the first book of your 'Charley Davidson' series and already in love with the story!!!
It is different than the othe..."

Oh thank you soooo much, Suki!!!!!! I love writing Charley and am thrilled that you like reading about her. LOL.


Bugsbunzy Hey Ms.Darynda,

Thanks for accepting my friend request. Today I started reading the first book of your 'Charley Davidson' series and already in love with the story!!!
It is different than the other paranormal romance/ urban fantasy books I've read, in a refreshing way.

Also the book is hilarious I sometimes read the same phrase few times just so I can laugh again and again.
There are fantastic writers out there but not everyone can make the readers laugh like you do.
You are a brilliant writer so I'm planning to read every series you write. (I'm totally looking forward for the 'Darklight' series.)

Please write more and more.
Sincere brand new fan,

message 83: by Olivia

Olivia you're welcome ;)

message 82: by Sharon

Sharon Saracino Nice to meet you, too, Darynda!

message 81: by Darynda

Darynda Jones Juanita wrote: "Thank you! I love your books and I cannot wait to read Third Grave Dead Ahead. Charley Davidson rocks!"


message 80: by Juanita

Juanita Thank you! I love your books and I cannot wait to read Third Grave Dead Ahead. Charley Davidson rocks!

Savannah Thank you for the friendship as well...

message 78: by Christy

Christy Blevins I am FINALLY on break from classes and "Second Grave.." is on my Christmas list!! yay! :)

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