James Kaimakamis

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Benjamín Labatut
“I now shudder at the accuracy of some of his prognoses, prophecies that no doubt came from his incredible capacity to process information and to sift the sand of the present through the currents of history. That gave him a certain sense of security, an overconfidence that would no doubt have betrayed a lesser man.”
Benjamín Labatut, The Maniac

Benjamín Labatut
“He once told me that, just as wild animals play when they are young in preparation for lethal circumstances arising later in their lives, mathematics may be, to a large extent, nothing but a strange and wonderful collection of games, an enterprise whose real purpose, beyond any one stated outright, is to slowly work changes in the individual and collective human psyche, as a way to prepare us for a future that nobody can imagine.”
Benjamín Labatut, The MANIAC

Benjamín Labatut
“Looking at the waves scudding outwards and getting lost on the horizon, he could not help but recall the words of his mentor, the Danish physicist Niels Bohr, who had once told him that a part of eternity lies in reach of those capable of staring, unblinking, at the sea’s deranging expanses.”
Benjamín Labatut, When We Cease to Understand the World

Μενέλαος Λουντέμης
“Κείνο το βράδυ σώπαιναν οι λύκοι γιατί ουρλιάζανε οι άνθρωποι”
Μενέλαος Λουντέμης, Οδός Αβύσσου αριθμός 0

Jon Fosse
“...what's beautiful in life turns out bad in a painting because it's like there's too much beauty, a good picture needs something bad in it in order to shine the way it should, it needs darkness in it...”
Jon Fosse

year in books
Abi Devino
271 books | 24 friends

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