Great Flinders Football League
& Great Flinders Netball Association
Basketball paved the way for the establishment of the Great Flinders Netball Association and was played within the Cummins district as far back as 1932. Games were first played on dirt courts and lines were gouged onto the courts with either sticks or a pick before each game. How times have changed. Teams were distinguished by colours until an Association was formed in 1971. During the years leading up to 1970 teams joined and left the basketball association with some clubs changing names.
'A', 'B' and 'C' Grades were formed in 1963, followed by 'D' in 1967 and 'E' grade in 1971.
An inter-association basketball game was held in 1970 against Kimba with the coach being Tricia Greenshields (Clarke). A condition of the day was to bring two oranges and be at the courts fifteen minutes prior to the game.
In 1971 the Cummins Basketball Association became the Great Flinders Netball Association. The Association covered a wide area to include players from Lock, United Yeelanna, Eyre United, Cummins, Ramblers and Kapinnie. During 1971, a Ball was held to raise money for new Association uniforms. All teams and players supported the Ball and managed to raise two hundred dollars. This enabled the Association to provide two sets of uniforms for two representative teams.
The President as this time was Mrs. R Hebberman who was well supported by Mrs B Woolford as secretary. Mrs Mary Trigg, now a life member of the Great Flinders Netball Association was an instigator of the original constitution. The Association Shield, first donated in 1947 was also generated by the Trigg family.
In 1961, the Pedler Cup was established to enable girls, aged 15/u, which played basketball, to participate in a carnival and follow the Kinlough Cup. The idea was to foster and promote junior basketball and the winning team at each carnival receives the Pedler Cup. The cup was kindly donated by the late Mrs R Pedler and is still presented to this day, by members of the Pedler family. The first Pedler Cup was won by Great Flinders Team One which was captained by Mrs Betty Hughes (now Hurrell). She was also the committee's secretary for 1961. Another member of the team was Judy (Dodge) Watkins who was also a committee member. These ladies along with their team members E. Lew, S. Modra, L. Skipworth, L. Greenshields, B. Hughes and B. Trigg pioneered the way for many successful years for the Great Flinders Netball Association at representative level.
Great Flinders Netball Association

“If you didn't play in Great Flinders, you were missing something very special.”

GFNA Admin
Bek Fatchen
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Umpires Association Secretary
Tracey Dahlitz
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Umpires Association President
Rebecca Habner
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Renae Nettle
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Stacey Brace
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Assistant Secretary
Brooke Neindorf
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Vice President
Alex Stratford
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Kaz Boehm
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Elizabeth Burns
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