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March Happenings
in the Garden
Be cautious with tender plants. Avoid planting young foliage such as potato vine, coleus and caladiums, as they don't handle the cold of cold winds.
What to plant now: Perennials, trees, vines, shrubs, roses, fruit tree, hardy herbs and groundcovers. These plants have hardy rootstocks that will not freeze.
Last chance for cool-season crops: Plant seeds and transplants of lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, mustard, radish and other cool-season crops.
Main crops later in the month: As the threat of cold damage decreases, plant your main crops of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, green beans, squash, watermelon and cucumbers.
Pre-emergent for grassy weeds: Apply pre-emergent in early March to prevent grassy weeds from germinating. If you've had issues with grass burs, apply Dimension pre-emergent on March 1St and June 1st.
Crape Myrtle scale: If your Crape Myrtle is dormant and covered in scale, scrub it clean with a soft brush and dishwashing liquid. Afterwards, spray with dormant oil only if there are no leaves on the plant and apply systemic insecticide like Bonide Systemic Granules Insect Control. This product offers long-lasting protection against whiteflies and aphids.
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Greenlife Nursery provides landscape material for Waco Habitat for Humanity homes at no charge. We are helped in this endeavor by the coordination and planting services of McLennan County Master Gardeners.
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