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The mission of Greenville City Schools is to provide a safe and high quality learning environment that enables the district to provide engaging and rewarding work for students and staff every day; and to strive to continuously improve, looking ahead to the future to ensure that we prepare citizens who are college, career and life ready.

Greenville Middle School Home

from the Principal's Desk ...

Greenville Middle School

Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,
As the 2024-2025 school year is under way, I am excited to announce that our theme for the year will be "Respect: The Foundation of Excellence." This theme will guide our efforts to create a positive and inclusive school environment where everyone feels valued, supported, and empowered to succeed.
At Greenville Middle School we believe that respect is essential to achieving academic excellence, building strong relationships, and fostering a sense of community. Throughout the year, we will focus on promoting respect in all aspects of life. 
  • Responsibility 
  • Enthusiasm 
  • Self-discipline 
  • Perspective 
  • Expectation
  • Choice (Good character is a choice)
  • TEAM (together everyone achieves more)
As principal, I am committed to ensuring that our school remains a place where everyone feels welcome, included, and valued. I encourage students, parents, and staff to join me in embracing this theme and making respect a core part of our daily interactions.
Together, let's make this year an exceptional one! 
Chris Mortensen, Principal 
Georgia Lange, Assistant Principal 
Clayton Westerbeck, Assistant Principal 
Greenville Middle School 
As Always Go Wave!
School starts at 7:30 and dismissal is at 2:25.    Good attendance is essential to a successful school year, but we realize that students may need to miss school at times due to illness, appointments or unforeseen circumstances.  
Please call 937-548-3185 ext. 2000 to report your child's absence as soon as possible.  
Please follow the Greenville Middle School PTA Facebook page as updates will be posted on social media platforms as we can provide up to date information.  Greenville City Schools website, Instagram and FB page all provide up to date information and releases from our superintendent Mr. Fries.  

School News

Upcoming Events


Christmas Break

Mon Dec 23 2024
to Fri Jan 3 2025

Classes Resume

Mon Jan 6 2025

Board of Education Mtg.

Tue Jan 14 2025

End of 1st Semester

Fri Jan 17 2025

Events Calendar

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