Research Data Services

The Research Hub supports researchers in discovering, acquiring, storing, analyzing, and administering research data.

Discover Data Sources

Consult with librarians to identify datasets for academic research projects. We can help you brainstorm options that are already available at Stanford, that you could consider purchasing, or that you may want to collect yourself. We work with dozens of researchers a year on a wide variety of projects so are familiar with hundreds of business and finance datasets and vendors.

License Data and Negotiate Contracts

The Data Acquisitions and Governance team supports GSB faculty and PhD students with all aspects of data acquisition; from negotiating your Data Use Agreement (DUA) to getting the appropriate signatures from Stanford offices. Our data licensing team will negotiate contracts to support academic research — such as ensuring you have the appropriate publication rights — so you get the best deal on pricing.

Store and Archive Data

Get assistance storing, archiving, and controlling access to your research data from the Data, Analytics, and Research Computing (DARC) team. The best storage solution for your data depends on many factors, including contractual agreements, resource availability, and technical capabilities. We can help you identify and deploy the best solution for your project.