Recipes Form Gurney's

Gurney’s is committed to helping you makethe most of your harvest with expert-testedrecipes straight from our garden to yourtable. Explore our collection of originalrecipes crafted to highlight the fresh flavorsof homegrown produce. Whether you'relooking for creative ways to enjoy yourbounty or classic preparations for gardenfavorites, our recipes offer deliciousinspiration.

Baker's Delight™ Apple and Butternut Squash Soup
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Baker's Delight™ Apple and Baby Turnip Saute
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Crunch-A-Bunch™ Warm Apple Dressing on Wilted Green Salad
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Crunch-A-Bunch™ Apple and Brussels Sprout Slaw
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Crunch-A-Bunch™ Apple and Pear Sauté
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Baker's Delight™ Apple, Cheddar and Corn Muffins
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Baker's Delight™ Apple and Cranberry Cake
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Gurney's® Covington Sweet Potato Stuffed with Sautéed Oh My!® Seedless Grapes
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Goliath™ Spinach, RazzMatazz® Seedless Grape and California White Softneck Garlic Sauce
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Gurney's® Vegetable Spaghetti Squash with RazzMatazz® Seedless Grape
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Oh My!® Seedless Grape Sautéed Compote
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Oh My!® Seedless Grape Quick Pickle
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Razzmatazz® Grape Roasted Chicken Salad
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Pixie Crunch® Apple and Potato Pancakes
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Pixie Crunch® Apple Irish Cake with Warm Custard Sauce
- Chef Katie O'Reilly

Pixie Crunch® Apple, Potato, Leek Pie
- Chef Katie O'Reilly