Jim Solderitsch
Published © MIT

ESP32 Based Drone Controller

The EDC: Edu Drone Controller allows you to control your Tello drone with an ESP32 MCU supporting gamepads for precise flight control

IntermediateWork in progress10 hours3,030
ESP32 Based Drone Controller

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Tello Drone
All three Tello Models are supported: Original, Edu and Talent. Also available on Amazon and as a refurbished model.
Edu Drone Controller Kit
The Edu Drone Controller is also available as a PCB with all parts included. The Github project includes a parts list so that the EDC can be assembled from off-the-shelf parts.
The EDC supports a variety of video system gamepads including PS3, PS4, Switch and 8BitDo

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Recommend use of Arduino IDE 2.1.1 or later.


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EDC Fritzing Design

Basic connection information for Breadboard form of Edu Drone Controller

Unassembled Breadboard controller

The needed components for the EDC before start of assembly.

Assembled Breadboard Controller

This is the breadboard version of the kit after assembly.

SMD Version of ESP32 Controller as PCB

Several Printed Circuit Board (PCB) versions of the controller exist and can be obtained from the project maintainer.

PCB board ready for soldering of EDC Kit Parts

This PCB design can use all of the parts from the breadboard kit.


EDC GitHub Repository

Source Code and Design Information for ESP32 Controller


Jim Solderitsch
1 project • 0 followers
Adjunct Professor. Computing Sciences, Villanova University
