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Halley House School

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Friends of Halley House

Friends of Halley House (FoHH) is a volunteer fundraising group of parents, carers and staff. We raise money for the school and bring the community closer by organising a variety of year-round events, such as:

  • Summer and winter fairs
  • Read-athon
  • Swim-athon
  • Dress-up days

Who are FoHH?

Everyone is a member!

This is everyone’s school and all money we raise benefits all children in school. You automatically become a member of the team if you are a parent or carer of a child at the school. We have a committee of volunteers who organise the overall planning of FoHH events, but they are reliant on the kindness and energy of the whole school community to run the events.

The current committee members are:

  • Co-chair: Ibinabo Nwanze (parent of two pupils)
  • Co-chair: Keziah Assibu (parent of one pupil)
  • Treasurer: Clare Robinson-Watt (parent of two pupils)

You can join the FoHH WhatsApp group to keep in touch: just the school office to pass us your name and phone number and we will gladly add you to the group.

What are we raising money for?

The school receives funds from the government for its day-to-day running. FoHH supplement this to enable the school to fund extra resources and activities.

This year our fundraising target is £6000 for:

● Stackable staging for the school hall – £5000
● Mental health and well-being resources – £500
● Library expansion and maintenance – £500

If we raise more than our target we will be putting the money towards a much-needed sound system, which is estimated to cost £3000.

In the past we have funded lots of different things, some big, some small. For example, we funded and created the entire library from scratch, contributed towards the sports hall refurbishment and new equipment, and bought new sets of high-visibility vests for the many and varied off-site activities and trips.

How can you get involved?

Your support for the school is invaluable and much appreciated, and there are loads of ways to get involved, from donating money or time, or suggesting events or activities for our children. We can achieve much more together, so do get involved! See below for some suggestions of how you can help:

  • Donating money: Donating directly into our account is a great way to support us! If you would like to make a one-off or a regular donation the details are: Sort code: 204150; Account no: 33148467
  • EasyFundrasing: Sign up for FREE and 7,400 brands will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to do your everyday online shopping – at no extra cost to you!
  • School lottery: Play the school lottery for just £1 per ticket and with the chance to win a jackpot of £25,000!
  • Donating items: We always rely on our community’s generosity for donating home bakes, drinks, food, or raffle prizes for events.
  • Donating time: You can simply come and enjoy the fairs, or you can help out by running a stall, serving food, manning the bar or clearing up. Or you can read for the Readathon, tidy the library, dress up your children on event days and generally join in the fun!

Monthly meetings

We also have monthly meetings to generate and organise fundraising activities and we love to see new people, and welcome new ideas. All meetings are held at 9.30am in school – just pop into the office and they will let you know which room to go to. There is no need to let us know in advance if you can attend, just turn up when you can spare the time. If you can’t come to the meetings you can contact any of the committee members with fundraising ideas or offers of help. 

FoHH is an essential part of the school. Our fundraising enriches every child’s experience!

A photo from Halley House School
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