Beamish Museum
HASSRA North East has 25 indiviudual corporate passes for HASSRA North East members to use for free entry to Beamish Museum .
Please note the pass does not cover evening events.
Please note children under 5 do not need a pass.
We ask you to provide up to 3 preferences for your booking date as due to the popularity of the passes we may not be able to guarantee your first choice. Dates must be submitted at least 1 week in advance.
If one of the dates you have requested is available Hassra NE will book a digiticket on your behalf and you will be sent a confirmation email from Beamish Museum<[email protected]>. This will include an unique order reference.
This email will confirm the date you have been allocated and the number of guests attending. You will be advised to bring this booking confirmation with you along with a form of work ID/Hassra Membership when you visit Beamish.
Opening Hours:
6th January 2025 – 21st February 2025: Open Friday-Sunday, 10am-4pm
22nd February 2025 – 2nd March 2025: Open daily, 10am-4pm
3rd – 30th March 2025: Open Wednesday-Sunday, 10am- 4pm
If you'd like to book a place please download the booking form and send your completed form to [email protected]
For more information, including opening times, see you have any further questions or issues.