What can I do on the app?
How do I get the app?
It's available now in the App Store and Google Play
Do I need a login?
No, the only people who need logins are those scoring the games and selecting the teams.
Our app has an "Login/Chat" section that lets Team Officials:
Why have we moved to an App?
The App allows for more accurate game and player information for Clubs, Schools and Hawke's Bay Netball.
Training and Support
We will be undertaking Training for Clubs & Schools over the course of the grading/non-championship round.
On this page you'll find Quick-start Videos and User Guides.
The Admin User Guide covers set up in Team Builder and allocation of Logins and is for the School Sports Coordinator or Club Administrator.
The Team Officials User Guide is for anybody who will submit a team or score a game. This might be a coach, manager, captain or parent.
How to login - Scorer access
How to select a team
How to score a game
Which grades will use the app?
All grades can use the app
How do I get the App?
It's available now in the App Store and Google Play Store
Who can access the App to score our team games?
Anyone that your team/club gives access to. This could be players (e.g. Captain), Coach, Manager or Parent Volunteers.
How do I get access to the App to score our team games?
I forgot my password
You can reset your password via the official’s login
I forgot my username
Your username is most commonly the email address that you used to register with.
I have logged in, and I can't see my game?
What happens on Saturday if no-one has the app to score our game?
We recommend that more than 1 person in the team is given Scorer access for their team. For example, a player that is reliably at your games can provide their phone to a substitute on the side-line or a volunteer who could score on the app just like they normally would on a paper card. We recommend all Captains and Coaches/Managers are given scorer access. Manual alternatives may still be available at the control room if all else fails.
Do you have to be online/using data to use the App?
Only to select a team or submit a final result, everything else can be done offline on game day. Please note, your score will not be submitted to the Netball Centre until you reconnect to data/Wi-Fi.
If you are unable to login to the app the first step is to check you have data/are connected to Wi-Fi. You could do this by browsing to a website on your phone or opening another app.
Do we have to select our team in the App?
Selecting your "Game Day Team" is an important and mandatory part of the process in monitoring player eligibility.
A player doesn't appear for selection in my Game Day Team in the App.
Players must be registered AND placed in a team by a club official in order to be selected for your game day team.
What if we don't have a full team?
You can leave a position blank when submitting your team sheet.
What do we do if we need to borrow players to make up our team?
You can select other players from your club to play in your game day team by clicking the "Select from other squad" option. The player's normal team and grade will display in the game day team sheet for both your team and the opposition. Normal eligibility rules apply.
My phone died or I need to leave in the middle of the game while I am scoring, what do I do?
Before your phone goes flat, request someone else on the team logs in and "catches up" to the score that you are keeping. They can submit the final score on their own device, and you can "delete" your record of the game. If all else fails, the other team should also be keeping score on their own devices OR you can keep the score manually on a piece of paper and update the app later on.
How do I track odds and evens and centre passes?
The app does this all for you. Select which team has the 1st centre pass at the start of the game, and after each goal is scored, the app will confirm who should now have the centre pass. At the end of each quarter/half, confirm if the last centre pass was "taken" and the app will swap the odds and evens as necessary, and tell you which team has the first centre pass of the next quarter.
My app is showing the end of quarter/half score in Red. What does this mean?
The app performs checks of your score submission vs the opposition team score submission to confirm your scores match. If the score displays in Red, this means there is a conflict in the score. When the score changes back to Green, this indicates both teams have the same score recorded.
The score I am adding is not showing as a live score on the Website.
The team on the left of the draw is considered the "live scorer" so their results will update to the website.
It is Game Day and I have a problem that isn't answered here, what do I do?
I think the App is broken or there has been a total failure?
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Mitre 10 Park, 42 Percival Road, Tomoana
Bank Account Details: 06-0645-0606210-00