Swindon CFS / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis -
Support Groups and Alternative Healing
Also relevant to Fibromyalgia

I am sometimes asked about Swindon CFS groups that exist in my home town in Wiltshire UK. The groups below offer support for people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Fibromyalgia.

Please check with the websites listed below in case the information here is out of date. The people running these Swindon CFS groups are usually living with chronic illness themselves. Groups can come and go as health allows.

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This page also includes information about treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Swindon. There is no official treatment for the illness, but there are alternative healing modalities that claim success in reducing symptoms and improving quality of life.

Please do your own research about the treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome listed on this page.

Please note that I use the terms Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis to indicate the same illness - I have been diagnosed with both. However, some people feel strongly that they indicate different conditions.

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Contents for Swindon CFS / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Swindon CFS groups or CFS related: - please scroll down

  • Swindon ME Group - for people in Swindon with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
  • Swindon Foggy Friends - for various invisible illnesses including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • NHS Funded Swindon CFS Group - for those in Swindon with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.
  • Swindon LIFT groups - emotional and psychological support such as mindfulness for a variety of conditions, including CFS and ME
  • Wiltshire Testing for Fibromyalgia
  • Helpful Housemates
  • Meal delivery services in Swindon
  • Disabled transport in Swindon and disabled access to your home advice - please contact me and I will post an article.

Summary List of Swindon Treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- click here or scroll down

  • The NES Health Total WellNES System
  • Hydrotherapy pool
  • MS Centre - Oxygen Treatment in Swindon
  • The Perrin Technique - physiotherapy related - in Wroughton
  • Neurofeedback - available in Reading
  • Counselling and Therapy

Swindon CFS groups or CFS related:

Swindon ME Group

I am assuming that if you have a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia you would also be welcome at this group, but please check with the leader of the group.

At the time of writing, the Swindon ME Support Group meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month at Manor Farm Pub, Haydon Wick, Swindon SN25 1JE


Swindon Foggy Friends

This is not only a Swindon CFS group but offers support for anyone with one of the following chronic illnesses:

·       Arthritic Conditions

·       Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

·       Chronic Widespread Pain

·       Fibromyalgia

·       Irritable Bowel Syndrome

·       Ménière’s Syndrome

·       M. E. - Myalgic Encephalopathy

·       Rheumatic Conditions

·       Seasonal Affective Disorder

·       Trigeminal Neuralgia

I suspect you would also be welcome if you live in Swindon and have a diagnosis of Dystonia or FNS. Please ask.

A support group can encourage over identification with the label of a particular condition. I find it rather heartening to have a group that allows those with different health labels to meet up.

The above chronic illnesses share the common factor that those with the condition don't necessarily look ill and therefore may be vulnerable to the strains and stresses of being disbelieved.

Also delightful is that members are currently entitled to a free swim and Jacuzzi at Thamesdown Hydrotherapy Pool every Monday 2.00pm – 3.00pm and Friday 1.45pm - 2.45pm. (Alternatively, it may be the case that you can go for free if your Doctor refers you on medical grounds - mine has offered to do so.)

One of the benefits of support from this Swindon CFS group is that they have collected together recommendations for Swindon Doctors who are supportive of those with ME or CFS.

Website: www.foggys.net
On facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/foggys

man staring into the clouds

NHS Funded Swindon CFS Group

The Swindon & Wiltshire Adult Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/M.E) Service is based at the Eldene Health Centre.

Group meetings help you to learn skills of pacing yourself.

The advice is the standard advice for CFS to find a sustainable baseline of activity and then only work up from there with increases of 1% in activity or exercise.

Referral to a clinical psychologist is possible for individual sessions to help to learn to manage fatigue. I believe individual sessions with a physiotherapist might also be possible, but please check.

You will need referral from your Doctor. Do take in details of the clinic with you as your Doctor may not have heard of the CFS/ME service. Mine hadn’t.

Adult CFS/M.E Service at Eldene Health Centre
Phone: 01793 695151
[email protected]

Swindon Talking Therapies

NHS Swindon Talking Therapies was previously known as Swindon LIFT Psychology.
The service offers support for people registered with a GP in Swindon to manage their mental health – often specifically geared to negotiating the demands of living with a physical illness.

You DO NOT NEED a GP referral but can ring them directly on 01793 836 836. 

They have services related to Fibro and long covid in Swindon.
They have a service for living with fatigue which may be helpful for you if you have ME/CFS and are living in Swindon.

You can find out more on their website.


Swindon Testing for Fibromyalgia

This is neither a group or a treatment, but may also be of interest!

Mapping is a test for Fibromyalgia. It is often relevant to those with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. I myself was mapped as having Fibromyalgia.

You can see my results on this page.

Using the website link on that page, I checked to see if there is a mapper in Swindon. According to this website, the nearest one is in the Frome area.

Chrissie Burdett on 01373 823024.

Help with putting the rubbish out in Swindon

Swindon council offer an ‘assisted collection’ service which may help some of you living in Swindon with ME, CFS.
Those who - through disability - have trouble putting out their bins can ask for help with refuse and recycling collection.


Do Helpful Housemates cover Swindon?

Helpful Housemates arrange for you to have a lodger who offers you a few hours of support in exchange for paying rent below the market average.

I contatcted them via Twitter and they have confirmed that they cover the area of Swindon.

The minimum time you can offer someone a room is for six months.

Live Well Swindon

I’m not too sure how useful the following will be for you if you are living with CFS or ME in Swindon.
So far, I don’t think it has anything to offer me personally.
But it was information given to me by an occupational therapist in 2024.


(01793) 465513

Look on the website to see what they offer. 
I think they can perhaps take you to attend a group.

Ring them and they will fill out a referral for you. 
Or you can be referred by an occupational therapist.
Or you can go into their office.

There is a waiting list.

Ready made meals delivered Swindon

If you live with ME/CFS in Swindon at a level where getting your meals is not a sure thing, you might choose to have some ready made meals in the house. Ideally though the advice is to have a diet of non processed food.

  • parsleybox - online and not local.
    But with the great advantage that the meals are vacuum packed. They don't need to be kept in the fridge.
  • wiltshirefarmfoods.com
  • hospitalityservices247.co.uk - local to Swindon
  • Protein shake powder
    You might also choose to keep a tub of a protein shake meal replacement in the house.
    The advice longterm is to only have one of these protein shake meals each day.
    For four weeks maximum you can have two protein shakes a day.

Swindon Treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The following treatment or therapy possibilities may be of interest to those looking for Swindon CFS groups:

The NES Health Total WellNES System

NES was set up in part by a young British man with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, called Harry Massey.

Harry has a background in physics. He was bedbound with CFS and found his treatment options limited by his lack of mobility - I know that one!

Over many years, Harry tried many different approaches to heal himself. Eventually he cooperated with Peter Fraser to develop infoceuticals.

I have listened (quite a few times) to a webinar by Harry Massey. The following is my own understanding of infoceuticals so please forgive any errors:

Infoceuticals work on something similar to the homeopathic principle. Instead of effectively giving the body a mini vaccine, they work to remind the body of how to do 'health'.

My understanding is that you liaise with a practitioner to determine the liquid remedies that you need to take. Some improvement can come about quickly, but please know that it took Harry Masseyy 2 years to regain health. He is now back to mountain biking and out there making films and running a business.

We are lucky to have a NES practitioner in the Swindon area, in Chiseldon.

Karyse Day can be contacted on 01793 740522

Swindon Hydrotherapy Pool

Hydrotherapy is not a treatment, but is a therapy or gentle form of exercise for those who can manage it. It can help reduce pain for some. The pool is run as a charity and caters for all disabilities.

Access to the hydrotherapy pool is free most Mondays 1.45pm – 2.45pm for those who are paid members of Foggy Friends - see above.

Your Doctor may also be happy to refer you for free access on medical grounds - mine has offered to do so. According to the website you need a referral in order to visit.

Jefferies Avenue Swindon SN2 7HJ

Visit their website at www.thamesdownhydrotherapypool.com/

Swindon Floatation Tank

We also have a floatation tank here in Swindon.

A floation tank is a tank of salt water in which you float as a form of deep relaxation. You are in the dark and without sound. This deprivation of sensory stimulus can help to calm an overstimulated nervous system. Of course if you are claustrophobic this is unlikely to appeal!

I can't find it mentioned on their website, but give Swindon Chiropractic Clinic a phonecall to check if you can still access their tank. They are located in Stratton.

I have been in a floatation tank twice. I would happily do it more if finances allowed. 

MS Centre - Oxygen Treatment in Swindon

MS = Multiple Sclerosis.

There are many similarities in the issues shared between those with MS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am aware that some people with MS use both this healing website and my website on spiritual healing (opens new window).

We are very lucky to have a dedicated MS Centre open for those with MS in Swindon.

There may be Swindon residents with CFS who would like to try the Oxygen treatment available at the MS Centre. Their website also links to other Swindon healing practitioners.

Swindon MS Centre
Bradbury House Westmead Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN5 7ER
01793 481700

Mark F living with CFSME reports back to us on Oxygen Treatment here.

The Perrin Technique

Dr Perrin developed a treatment for CFS/ME which seeks to remove toxins from the body. The techniques include spinal mobilisation and massage. We are lucky to have a clinic in Wroughton, Swindon which offers the Perrin technique for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

If you have tried the Perrin technique in Wroughton, please let us know in the healing forum if it helped.


Neurofeedback is not a treatment but a training. Many people have experienced a reduction in the symptoms of various chronic illnesses or conditions.

We have a clinic not too far away in Reading. To find out more, visit http://www.optimalfeedback.com/. If a number of members of a Swindon CFS group were interested, they might want to consider purchasing or renting the system.

The research quoted in their pdf gives statistics for the success of neurofeedback in helping with the following CFS symptoms (or symptoms overlapping with the condition).

  • electro smog
  • fatigue
  • fibromyalgia
  • hearing problems, including tinnitus
  • hypoglycaemia
  • lyme disease
  • memory
  • other cognitive functioning
  • post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • sleep problems
  • stress management
  • vision problems

I have not tried neurofeedback for myself, though I know my sister in law found it helpful for a different chronic illness. 

If you are looking for a Swindon CFS group, you might also want to search online for ''Swindon Fibromyalgia group", Those with Fibromyalgia have an overlap of symptoms.
Pain tends to be more significant in those with Fibromyalgia.
Fatigue tends to be more significant in those diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME.

Counselling and Therapy

Getting ill with ME/CFS, pursuing treatment and benefits, the impact on relationships, all can be very demanding psychologically and you may choose at some points to seek professional support.
Here are a couple of ideas for psychological support for those living in Swindon with CFS.

  • Cotswold counselling
  • Willows counselling

Both of the above may offer online counselling on Zoom. They may also offer a discount rate.
Counselling is a talk-based therapy.

A trauma informed practitioner

I am treating myself for trauma. I found Jon Bauer when searching for a trauma informed practitioner.
I am yet to work with him, but hope to do so.

Here's a wonderful quote from his bio on his website.
"Working with their nervous system seems more powerful to me
than walking the long and complicated corridors of the mind."

You can work with Jon online but it feels good to know that he is 'localish'.
When we are not in a pandemic, he sees clients in Bath and near Wells.

Articles related to Swindon CFS

  • Move to read my recommendation for plant-based minerals. (Most minerals are rock-based.) These plant based minerals have been wonderful for me.
  • Click on the link below to view photographs of my years when living bedbound with severe CFS/ME.

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Thank you from me, Katherine, author of HealingCFSME.com

© Katherine T Owen. All articles on this website are copyrighted. I am delighted if you choose to click above to share this page on social media, but please do not copy, print or otherwise use without my permission. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical practitioner. The articles on this website are not to be taken as medical advice. Please consult a medical practitioner as necessary.

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