Pain Most Recent

In spite of great effort, low back pain (LBP) remains a significant burden on society and one of the most common reasons to see a primary care provider.

In 1987, the Quebec Taskforce noted, "Distinct patterns of reliable clinical findings are the only logical basis for back pain categorization and subsequent treatment."

Back dominant pain is either intensified by flexion or is not aggravated by bending forward.

Leg dominant pain suggests direct nerve root involvement: radicular, not referred symptoms.

This article highlights the complex challenges seen when managing pain in patients with moderate or advanced dementia.
The management of neuropathic pain at any age is aimed at the relief of suffering rather than focusing on decreasing pain scores, and it should involve even simple measures that affect pain and coping.

As the population is aging, physicians from all specialties are expected to see more older adults at their outpatient practices and in the acute settings.
Among the articles, we look at traditional methods of pain relief. It is good to remind ourselves that long experience with these modalities is not a guarantee that they are more effective than placebo.

Chronic abdominal pain is a common problem that is frustrating for both the patient and the physician.