
The Rapture

Can We Truly “Be Changed in the Twinkling of an Eye” and Raptured Into the Heavenly Kingdom?

Those who commit sins but then confess will be changed instantly and raptured into the heavenly kingdom? Read this article, and you will get the answer....

What Is the Rapture Before the Disaster? How Can We Be Raptured?

Editor’s Note: Wuhan coronavirus, East Africa’s plague of locusts, Australian bushfires, and some other disasters strike almost at the same time—disasters are getting worse and worse, and the proph...

What Being Raptured Before the Great Tribulation and Being Made Into Overcomers Before the Great Tribulation Mean

If you want to know whether Christians can be raptured before the great tribulation and made into overcomers before the great tribulation, you should first know the true meaning of rapture and overcom...

What Is the Meaning of the Rapture in the Bible?

Do you know the true meaning of the rapture in the Bible? Will believers be taken up into heaven when the Lord returns? Read now to get the answers....

What Is Real Rapture? I Finally Get the Answer

I always thought real rapture meant our being raptured into the air. It was not until attending a meeting that I realized that the true meaning of rapture was different from what I imagined....

What Is the Rapture? How Can We Be Raptured?

All believers are expecting to be raptured into the heavenly kingdom. What is the rapture? How can we be raptured? Read this article and you’ll know what the rapture really is....

Where Is the Rapture of the Church When Jesus Comes Back?

Many true believers are waiting for the Lord to take them, but what kind of church is the raptured one when the Lord comes back? The article will help you find the answer....

Rapture Really Means Being Taken Up Into Heaven?

Every Christian who desperately expects the Lord’s coming are waiting for being raptured. Does the rapture really mean being taken up into heaven? ...

Instantly Transformed and Be Raptured? Can It Come True?

When the Lord comes, we will be transformed instantly and be raptured into the kingdom of heaven. Is this opinion in accord with truth? Can It Come True?...

Will We Be Raptured in an Instant When the Lord Returns?

We Christians all hope that we could change form and become holy in an instant, and be raptured when the Lord returns. Will we be raptured in an instant?...

What Should We Do Now to Be Raptured at the Lord's Return?

The saints expect to be raptured according to the Lord’s words not man's words. So what should we do now to be raptured at the Lord's return?...

How to Explain “Being Raptured in the Clouds to Meet the Lord”?

Who said the words "Being raptured in the clouds to meet the Lord"? Did the Lord Jesus speak them? How to explain them?...

Being Raptured Into Heaven Achievable When the Lord Returns?

The Lord has gone to prepare a place for believers. But is this place on earth or in heaven? Will we be raptured into heaven when the Lord returns?...

What Is the True Meaning of Rapture?

Three co-workers had the discussion about the rapture. many brothers and sisters had become cold in faith and love, what's the God's will? What can we do?...

I Am Raptured Before God’s Throne

What is being raptured recorded in the Bible? Can people really ascend to heaven? The article will tell you what is being raptured before God's throne....

I Understand What Rapture Is

I understand what rapture is. Will we be rapture and meet the Lord in the air?...