helm repo add hivemq https://hivemq.github.io/helm-charts
helm install hivemq hivemq/hivemq-platform-operator
Use this purpose-built tool to deploy, operate, and maintain your HiveMQ platforms in Kubernetes.
Experience zero-downtime (continuous availability) of the HiveMQ platform during software upgrades.
We offer easy integration with Prometheus and expose all HiveMQ metrics for comprehensive monitoring.
At runtime, install and configure HiveMQ enterprise and custom extensions; update configurations without restarting pods.
Here are a few notable new features in the HiveMQ Platform Operator for Kubernetes:
We improved reconciliation between the desired and actual state for the HiveMQ platform, enhancing uptime and reliability while maintaining updates.
Manage multiple HiveMQ Platform deployments with one operator.
HiveMQ Platforms are now deployed with a standard Kubernetes StatefulSet.
Configure StatefulSet options, including "podAffinity," "tolerations," or any other configurations.
Configure Kubernetes Service details, including annotations for special LoadBalancers and many others.
The new HiveMQ Health API provides endpoints for readiness and liveness for HiveMQ Platform nodes.
Easily monitor HiveMQ Platform status changes through standard Kubernetes events.
Expanded Operator logging allows monitoring via standard metrics and exporting to Prometheus.
Use the pre-defined Helm Charts in the HiveMQ Platform Operator to quickly deploy and manage HiveMQ platforms. Customize the default settings to meet unique business needs.
Easily create custom container images for HiveMQ with greater deployment flexibility and customization options.
Configure your HiveMQ Platform and provide the configuration file as a standard Kubernetes ConfigMap.
The legacy operator will continue to support the current HiveMQ LTS 4.9 release and every HiveMQ version until the next LTS release.