Welcome to Year 3 and 4!
In our phase there are three classes; Lemur, Crocodile and Gazelle and we all work hard and try our best in whatever we do.
Gazelle Class Lemur Class Crocodile Class
Mrs Hurley Mrs Gee Mrs Gleason
Here, you can find lots of important information including what we are learning about this term, important dates, display photographs and information about everything we have been getting up to!
Please contact lowerkeysta[email protected] if you have any queries regarding your child in Year 3/4 and Mrs Gee will get back to you.
Learning at home
Here you will find the homework for each term. You will also find the termly KIRFS.
Spellings will be given weekly. Math homework will be given fortnightly. These are handed out on Thursdays and will be due in the following Tuesdays. Your child is tested on their spellings (ones they received for homework) on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
Please listen to your child read each day and record this in their reading record. Your child can gain extra dojos for reading and reaching target planets. They could also receive a Headteacher's certificate in Good News Assembly!
Term 1 HomeworkYear 3 and 4 KIRFS for Term 1Term 2 Homework
Curriculum Overview
Here you will find an overarching view of what the children will be taught over their time in Year 3 and Year 4. As we have mixed age year groups, we work on a two year rolling cycle to ensure that all of the National Curriculum Objectives are covered across the two years.
Year 3 and Year 4 Cycle A (2023, 2025, 2027)
Year 3 and Year 4 Cycle B (2022, 2024, 2026)
Dates for your diary
Wednesday 25th- European Day of Languages. We will be learning about Poland and children are welcome to come in wearing the colours of the flag- red and/or white.
Wednesday 2nd- Year 3 and 4 OPAL lunch (parents invited)
Wednesday 9th- Mass in school led by Bishop Bosco
Tuesday 15th- Parent's evening (3.30pm-6pm)
Thursday 17th- Parent's evening (4pm- 7pm)
Friday 18th- End of term one.
Monday 4th- Children back at school
Monday 11th- The Living Rainforest Trip
Week commencing 11th- Anti-bullying week
Friday 29th- Lemur Class Assembly at 8.50am.
Thursday 12th- KS2 Carol Concert
Tuesday 17th- Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day for Year 3 and 4
Thursday 19th- Whole School Mass in Church
Friday 20th- End of the term. School finishes at 1.30pm this day.
Learning in school
RE |
In Year Three and Four, children are learning about Prophecy and Promise. This unit continues the theme of the Eucharist (as it is throughout the year) which is all about thanksgiving. They pay particular attention to Mary and Joseph’s trust in God through The Annunciation as in the Gospel of Matthew.
In this particular unit, children will learn about and understand Mass including recognising and naming some of the objects found in Church and exploring why Catholics go to Mass and the structure and roles there are within Mass. Closer to Advent, children will recognise and describe a range of symbols that help Catholics live out the season of Advent and respond to words of an advent hymn to think about the meaning of this. |
Maths |
Year 3 and 4 children will start their Maths with number and place value, including understanding and recognising numbers up to hundreds (for year three) and thousands (year four). The next unit is Geometry; Properties of Shapes.
Next term, the children will be learning Multiplication and Division and Year 4 children will also be learning Addition and Subtraction: Mental Methods.
Please make sure that your child is practising their times tables at least three times a week. They can practice these through a fun interactive game on the following website: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button . Alternatively they could practise their times tables on times tables rockstars (ttrockstars.com), where they each have their own log in details and they can even win certificates at school for this. and it is a great resources to practise times tables |
English |
In the first part of the term, we will develop our English skills by using a narrative text called ‘The Last Bear’ by Hannah Gold. Some of the skills they will be including in their writing include adjectives, conjunctions, personification, action verbs, commas in a list and speech. They are also reading this as their ‘Class Reader’. The second text we will be focusing on is a non-fiction piece, a newspaper. The unit is called 'The Creature' and children will create a newspaper article of their own. |
Science |
Children are learning about Plants and Animals Including Humans in the Autumn Term. Within the unit of plants, children will learn how to: identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers. They explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant. They learn how to investigate the way in which water is transported within plants and finally they learn how to explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.
Within the unit of Animals including Humans, children will be learning how to: describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans; identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions; and finally, construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey. |
PE |
The three classes have PE on different days. Gazelle’s PE day is Wednesday, Lemur’s is Tuesday and Crocodile’s is Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct PE kit. The units we will be covering up to Christmas are Netball, Football, Tag Rugby and Outdoor Adventurous Activities. |
Music |
We follow Charanga and within this we will be completing 'Lean On Me' by Bill Withers in the first term and will focus on the Christmas Carol Concert next term. Within 'Lean On Me', children will be listening and appraising and engaging in musical activities including learning to sing the song and performing it, improvising and play the glockenspiel. |
Guided Reading |
Children's word level and comprehension skills will be developed through whole class guided reading sessions and one to one reading. |
Phonics |
This term, some children will be having phonic sessions twice a week as well as small intervention groups based on the ability of the child. These are regularly assessed and we follow Little Wandle for these. |
Computing |
The first unit is called 'The Internet'. Children will apply their knowledge and understanding of networks to appreciate the internet as a network of networks which need to be kept secure. They will learn that the World Wide Web is part of the internet, and will be given opportunities to explore the World Wide Web for themselves in order to learn about who owns content and what they can access, add, and create. Finally, they will evaluate online content to decide how honest, accurate, or reliable it is, and understand the consequences of false information. |
French |
Children start by learning the key sounds in French and then move on to colours (focusing on learning ten common colours) and numbers (up to 20). Next term, they will be learning about shapes. |
Geography |
We are studying 'Why are rainforests important to us.' Children who are secure will be able to;
History |
Next term we will be studying History. The unit is called 'Why did the Romans settle in Britain?' Children who are secure will be able to;
Art/DT |
We are doing DT in the first term. The unit is called 'Structure- Pavilion.' Children who are secure will be able to:
The children will then be learning about Art. We will start the unit by focusing on our Artist of the Term, Georgia O'Keeffe. The unit is called 'Painting and Mixed Media' and the children who are secure will be able to:
Photos 2024-2025
The children thoroughly enjoyed their trip on Monday 11th November to The Living Rainforest. This trip enabled the children to bring their Science and Geography learning to life, recapping the knowledge they learned about Rainforests and Plants and being able to see what it would really be like in the Rainforest. The tour we had was fantastic and the children really were able to show off what they already knew. The children represented our school very well, showing they were ready, respectful and safe throughout the day and we are very proud of them!
Photos coming soon!
Year 2023 - 2024 Archive
Our First Lesson of DT in Term 1 was to explore different fruits from around the world and to understand why certain foods are not grown in different countries due to the climate of the countries. We then made a fruit kebab based around different foods from different countries.
DT-Fruit Kebabs
During our science lessons, we have been looking at electricity and discussing what makes electricity flow. We've explored the how a circuit work and how to make a complete and incomplete circuit. We were able to create our own circuits.
Science- Creating Circuits
Our country for European Day of Languages was The Netherlands. We learnt how to count to 5 in Dutch, we tried a Stroopwaffle, made an origami Tulip which is the national Flower and finished by re-creating Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night in different ways including painting, watercolours, drawing and oil pastels.