Skid Marks: When to Wash ‘Em, When to Toss ‘Em
…it happens. It’s a fact of life. I wish we could say this chart was only for parents doing mountains of their kid’s or teen’s laundry, but we have to admit it… this chart is for everyone. Younger and older, male and female. It’s true. …it happens. And not just to little kids’ tighty-whities after an atomic wedgy. It’s not just about g-strings, either. Because even parachute-pant-style boxers are not safe.
Anyone who does laundry has been confronted with one level or another on this Skid Marks chart, and may have had to ask themselves: wash it or toss it?
With this handy-dandy Instructional Diagram, we hope people doing a skid mark evaluation can spend less time turning a pair of soiled underwear around in their hands, and come to a swifter more certain decision. We also hope to prevent them from coming to the wrong overly-optimistic choice, and contaminating an entire wash-load of clothes. You’re welcome.
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