about YOU
You are currently a brokerage owner or executive leader in the real estate industry and seeking a place to connect and collaborate with peers and give back as a mentor.
You are curious or ready to step UP and into brokerage ownership or executive leadership and seek guidance, education, and mentorship.
You are a successful agent, business partner, vendor, or mentor who wants to walk alongside, support, and encourage these women on their leadership journeys while sharpening your own leadership skills.
about US
WomanUP!® started as a 1-day event hosted by the California Association of REALTORS® and has become a national MOVEMENT with a 3-part mission to support our community.
1. We identify the tools and strategies needed to make bold career moves in real estate.
2. We provide research + resources to develop brokerage/executive leadership skills.
3. We create events and opportunities to connect with other amazing leaders in the brokerage community.

Ready to Sponsor?
We have BIG PLANS for the future and will need bold, visionary sponsor partners to help us bring the plans to fruition.
Email us at [email protected] and let's get a conversation on the books!