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Act 1
Upon completing Diablo 4's Prologue, you'll be able to start up Act 1, called A Cold and Iron Faith. This is also when the world really opens up for you to explore, so make sure to have a look around Sanctuary’s open world! If you want help with Dungeon locations, make sure to visit our Dungeons page, and to find all of the Altars of Lilith, visit our Altar of Lilith Locations page.
Below, you can find a list of every main story mission you’ll encounter in Act 1 of Diablo 4. There are 19 in total and each varies in size. While some tackle Dungeons you'll go through others are simple return quests, so some will go by quicker than others. It's also important to know that most rewards and XP for completing missions will vary depending on your level and what class you're playing as.
To get started, click on one of the links below to visit their full mission page.
Act 1: A Cold and Iron Faith
To return to Diablo 4's main Walkthrough page and explore the game's other Acts, click here:
If you'd like to learn more about Diablo 4's Side Quests in Sanctuary and which ones you can check off while completing the main story, visit our Side Quests page below: