Who is illion?

illion is a leading provider of a wide range of information services. For purposes of this Policy, “illion” means illion Australia Pty Ltd, illion New Zealand Ltd and their related bodies corporate. To simplify matters the illion group of companies are referred to as “us” “we” and “our” in this policy.

Personal Information may be shared between illion’s related companies where permissible by privacy laws.

The details of what Personal Information is retained and how it is used will vary based on the nature of the illion service that is provided. Please refer to the relevant product services below:

A copy of this Policy, including updates, is available at any time via our website www.illion.com.au under the Privacy link. If a printed copy is required this can be requested via our Public Access Centre on 13 23 33 (Australia), 0800 733 707 (New Zealand) or by email request to [email protected] or [email protected]. If required in a particular format, illion Public Access Centre will take reasonable steps to make this happen but may charge a fee depending on the format required.