Dart Player : Go. Stay on the road. Keep clear of the moors.
David : Yeah. Thank you.
Chess Player : Beware the moon, lads.
Dart Player : [to Dr. Hirsch] He'll change, He'll...
Chess Player : THAT'S ENOUGH!... That's enough.
Dart Player : You made me miss... I have never missed that board in my life
[staring at David and Jack]
Jack : [as everyone in the pub is laughing] Excuse me, but what's that star on the wall for?
[the dart player misses the board everyone grows silent]
Dart Player : [pointing his finger at Jack] You made me miss.
Jack : Sorry.
Dart Player : I've never missed that board before.
David : Uh, Jack, we'd better go.
Jack : Are you kidding, I'm starved.
Dart Player : There's no food here.
David : Shall we go, Jack?
Jack : Apparently so.
Barmaid : You can't let them go.
David : Um, how much do we owe you?
Chess Player : Nothing lads. Go. God be with you.
Jack : Oh, thank you.
Barmaid : [in a worried tone] WAIT! You just can't let them go!
Chess Player : Go. Stay on the road. Keep clear of the moors.
David : [zips up his jacket] Thank you.
Chess Player : Beware the moon, lads.
David : Yeah.
Jack : [as they're leaving] What the hell was that all about.
David : I don't know, let's go up the road and see if there's an inn or something.
Jack : Beware the moon?
David : Yeah I know, Jack, but come on, will ya? I'm freezing.
Jack : Where the hell are we going?
David : I don't know, anywhere. I just want to get away from The Slaughtered Lamb.
Jack : Where to now, Kessler, "The Duck's Breath?"
David : Okay, look it, I'm sorry. I'm sure we'll find something else.
Jack : Weird fucking place.
David : It was, man, but boy, they could play darts.
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : Hello.
Dart Player : Listen... that boy's in danger. I mean... It were a mistake. To let him leave here. There's something wrong with this place.
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : That much I understand.
Dart Player : He's the one who lived. He's the one who's in danger, and not just him... others will be too. It's almost full moon. He'll change.. He'll...
Chess Player : That's enough! That's enough!
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : A drink for a very cold man.
Barmaid : Good afternoon, what can I get you?
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : Uh... Campari soda would do very nice I think.
Barmaid : Sorry, love.
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : Oh, well then a small Guinness will suffice. Nasty business with those two young American boys, wasn't it?
Dart Player : I don't know what you mean, sir.
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : Yes, I'm sure I'm right. A few weeks back. Last full moon wasn't it? I mean, the escaped lunatic, the one who killed the boy. Oh, a thousand thanks, madam. There we are. Well, that was around here, wasn't it?
Chess Player : Where are you from, sir?
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : London. Excuse me. Knight takes pawn.
Chess Player : [confused] What?
[Dr. Hirsch points at the chess board]
Chess Player : Oh, yeah.
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : Ah, cheers.
[Drinks his Guinness and then notices the five-point star on the wall]
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : What's that?
Barmaid : Oh, that's been there for 200 years. We were going to paint it out, but it's traditional, so we left it.
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : Ah, I see. So... You've heard nothing of this incident?
Dart Player : Incident?
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : The murder?
Chess Player : [suspiciously] You a police officer?
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : Oh, good lord, no, no. No, I'm a doctor. I work in the hospital where they brought the Kessler boy. He was talking about werewolves. Monsters. I happened to be in the area so I thought...
Dart Player : You thought what?
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : I thought I'd look into the boy's story.
Chess Player : Story about werewolves? Really, sir?
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : [sits down] Like a game? Well?
Chess Player : I think not.
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : Oh, surely, I'm not that impressive.
Chess Player : No, no, sir, you're not. I don't feel like a game.
Barmaid : [as the dart player gets up to leave] You off now?
Dart Player : [as he puts on his jacket] Aye, I will not be long. I just wanna check on the dogs.
Chess Player : The dogs are fine.
Dart Player : I'll just check.
[He leaves]
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : It's a long drive to London. Do you have anything to eat?
Barmaid : No, there's no food here.
Chess Player : There's nothing for you here, sir.
Dr. J. S. Hirsch : Well. I'll be on my way then.
Barmaid : [worried after Jack and David have left] You can't let them go.
Chess Player : Should the world know our business?
Dart Player : It's murder then.
Chess Player : Then murder it is. It's in God's hands now.
Barmaid : [later as it's raining] Perhaps they'll be safe in the rain
Chess Player : No one brought them here. No one wanted them here.
Barmaid : You could've told them!
Dart Player : Are you daft? And what do you think they'd say? They'd think us mad.
Barmaid : [hears howling] Listen. Do you hear it? We must go to them.
Chess Player : [in denial] I heard nothing.
Dart Player : Nor I.