I just finished it. It was a good movie, but Renne Zellweger never takes on the character of Judy Garland. She does her typical pucker lips duckface gestures, squinty eyes schtick and whines like a stereotypical NYC Jewish woman. Judy Garland didn't whine like that while talking and pucker her lips. Watch her old interviews on YouTube. She also didn't sing like Judy at all. It's a decent movie, but doesn't succeed as a biopic. It's a vanity project that's entertaining, but nothing deep or more. An unknown actress that could "wow" with an electrifying performance would have been a better choice. Now I see why it barely broke $35 million at the box office. The Golden Globe award wasn't deserved IMO
56 Reviews
The Unauthorized Melrose Place Story
(2015 TV Movie)
Cheaply made,boring, and terrible casting
17 February 2016
BORING! Worse than the actual 1st season. Cheesy, unrealistic, badly cast mess! The actress playing Heather Locklear looked like a teenager playing dress-up. Unattractive cast. Acting was wooden at best. This was a waste of time. Everybody knows the Melrose Place cast got along great, and there were no behind the scenes drama. So, why even make this? It was like, NOTHING! No purpose. MP is my fave prime time soap ever. This TV movie was like a Disney Channel movie. There was never a need to make this. I would suggest you avoid this mess. Melrose Place is iconic. This TV movie is painfully boring. Watching paint dry would be more exciting.
Silent Night
(I) (2012)
Boring, crappy D list slasher
6 November 2013
I really wanted to at least enjoy this movie. This sort of/VERY loose re- boot of the infamous 1984 slasher, "Silent Night, Deadly night". Even if it was a "so bad it's good" kind of a film would have been OK. But this ultra low-budget crap-fest is just plain awful. Lots of scenes are filmed with a shaky camera. Almost like a youtube video filmed by a crack-head. Really bad acting by every single actor here. Malcom McDowel is officially in the "bottom-feeder D list club." The FX are a joke. And the movie stumbles with plot holes galore with a terrible pace. Really boring. Real pointless. A waste of time for all. Avoid it. Don't be curious. It's just a piece of crap.
Stevie Nicks: In Your Dreams
Stevie Nicks Rocks!
26 October 2013
This documentary captures the making of Stevie Nicks' top ten charting 2011 solo album, "In your Dreams." The entire album was recorded in a house Stevie owns in the LA area. The album is amazing, as is this film showing the vision, the recording process, and everything else the went into making the disc. Stevie Nicks is now a living legend, and a fascinating lady. Still beautiful in her 60's with a still one of a kind voice. The stories behind the lyrics are interesting and moving. And an amazing cast of characters who took part in this, makes for very compelling viewing. Especially for Stevie Nicks die-hards like me!! Even the non-fans should appreciate how this project all comes together.
P.S.I. Luv U
Cancellation info here
15 July 2009
I was a big fan of this show as well. I lived in Palm Springs when this show was being filmed. somebody on here stated the cancellation was due to sets destroyed by an earthquake. There was no major earthquake that year. Besides, the series was filmed on location in Palm Springs and it's surrounding cities. I watched them film many times, as they used the hotel(Hyatt Grand Champions Resort) that I worked for, in many scenes, inside and outside. The office where their boss works was filmed at Marriott Desert Springs resort. The house that the main characters shared in the show is an actual house in Palm Springs. So what was the reason for it's cancellation, then? Well, the show debuted as a two hour premier on a Sunday evening and made the top ten. However, when the show started airing in it;s own Saturday 10pm time slot, the ratings declined very fast. But a couple months later, CBS aired the show one time on a thursday 9pm time slot as a test. The show ranked in the top 30 shows for the week. And two nights later for it's normal time slot, the ratings drastically improved. During the December hiatus, Connie told CBS and the production company that if the series was picked up for the full season after hiatus, she wanted to film in Los Angeles on a sound stage, closer to her home. She made a few remarks about this in a few interviews, at that time as well. Going as far as saying since the ratings went back up, CBS would fulfill her requests in order to keep the show on the air. She stated if the show was picked up for the remainder of the season, she'd only return if CBS did this for her. CBS didn't want to film the series in a studio. They had a great deal with the city of Palm Springs and the surrounding areas. And with Connie hinting she might not honor her contract, CBS decided to cancel the show. It wasn't a long running show yet, it was expensive to shoot, and here is the co-star trying to make demands. I noticed Connie hasn't had a starring role in any television series since.
Return to Sleepaway Camp
(2008 Video)
Loved it
25 April 2009
After over 6 years of waiting for this film to finally get released after many delays and financing issues, I finally sat down and watched "Return to Sleepaway camp" tonight. First off, I feel this film is aimed almost directly to fans of the cult classic original film. With that being said, perhaps folks of decent budgeted horror flicks, and not around during the schlocky 1980's horror craze might not enjoy it. But as a fan of the original, I loved this. Campy, gory fun. Actor, Christopher Shand is gorgeous, and a decent young talent. And the ending? Well, I loved it! It was also great to see Felissa Rose again. Note: this is a direct sequel to the original 1983 film, as part 2 and 3 are not "officially" part of the series(I liked those parts as well). Grossest kill: The yanking off of a certain male's member. Ouch!
Square Pegs
Classic short lived series defined 1980's teens
2 June 2008
When Square pegs premiered on CBS fall 1982, it was the hippest show on TV. It defined the pains, and joys of teenage life in the early 80's. The show featured the appearances of Bill Murray, The Doors drummer John Densmore, as well as rock groups The Waitress, Devo and others. Even though the show lasted only one season and 19 episodes, it ranked as the top show of the 14-30 age demographics, and was a critics darling, CBS canceled the series after just one year. Why? Network shows had much larger audiences at the time, and overall ratings mattered more than the now coveted younger age demographics. It boasted a dedicated 12 million viewers which a network would now consider a hit. Ask anybody from that era, and they will still remember the show, which aired in repeats for several years in syndication. How many shows get syndicated after a mere 19 episodes? And are fondly remembered 25 years later? Sarah Jessica Parker, Jamie Gertz, and Tracy Nelson all launched their careers here. If the show's ratings were judged on the now advertiser desired younger audience demos, it certainly would have lasted longer as it's fan base was huge(it's ratings far exceeded todays definition of a hit). Thankfully it's now on DVD.
Hidden Palms
Pretty darn good soap
13 June 2007
Taylor Handley is cute, and a pretty good young actor. I have seen him in movies. So I gave this new series a try. He is a great lead here in a night time soap set in Palm Springs. Handley has a natural acting ability, and he should not be judged solely on his pin-up good looks.m He is actually talented.
The supporting cast is not bad either. The story lines are interesting and addictive. Without giving away spoilers, I just wanna suggest you give this new series a try. Nice looking cast. Slick production and editing. And great location shoots. I hope CW picks this excellent new show up for a 2nd season in the fall. And, Taylor Handley is pretty hot!
The supporting cast is not bad either. The story lines are interesting and addictive. Without giving away spoilers, I just wanna suggest you give this new series a try. Nice looking cast. Slick production and editing. And great location shoots. I hope CW picks this excellent new show up for a 2nd season in the fall. And, Taylor Handley is pretty hot!
Shark Attack 2
(2000 Video)
Plastic/inflatable sharks, Sharks that growl..Truly stupid
14 June 2006
This was so stupid. Intelligent sharks that swim in schools terrorize a local tourist beach community. Complete with direct rip-0ffs from "Jaws," and combined footage of real sharks with plastic and inflatable toy sharks. Also the shark thinks it's a lion as it growls before and during attacks. People underwater with scuba gear can talk, and scream easily too..Hmmmm..LOL..If you like bad films, you might wanna see how stupid and cheap this is. There is plenty of unintentional humor here. But I cannot give it any better than 1 star. Because that's what it is. A one star mega low budget film. Bad actors. Bad script. Bad director. Bad special effects. But if you hate bad movies, stay away... Truly for lovers of below "B" grade films only.
Charming, romantic comedy
27 May 2006
This is a great movie. Clearly demonstrates age differences do not matter compared to being compatible and in love, and neither do religious backgrounds, despite meddling mothers and relatives :-) Uma Thuman and Bryan Greenberg make a perfect couple here. Thurman, as always, is gorgeous and in fine acting form. Bryan Greenberg, simply put, is breathtakingly gorgeous. He is an actor of great depth and great masculine beauty. Talk about a gorgeous and talented leading man! Meryl Streep is, as always, fantastic, and her role as Thurman's therapist and Greenberg's mother is wonderful. This is one of the most romantic and enjoyable films I have seen in ages. It combines two greatly talented and sexy leads, a great supporting cast, romance, and comedy. It also solves the age old urban myth of dating the same age/religion/race and why that shouldn't matter if two people clearly make each other happy and are in love. I really loved this movie.
Eating Out
(I) (2004)
very enjoyable fluff
11 May 2006
Some other person posted this is the worst gay film since "All over they guy," which struck me as a very bad point since "All over the guy" is well received and amongst netflix top rented 20 gay & lesbian film charts, and has remained a top rented for over 2 years. Yes, "Eating Out" is very amateur. Yes, it is a no budgeter, silly plot, and some of it is badly edited. But, ya know what? I enjoyed every minute of it. Part of the reason is I really love Ryan Carnes. I have liked him ever since he appeared on "Desperate Housewives." Ryan is a natural actor and physically a major turn on for me. And there were quite a few funny site gags as well. No, there is no message in this film, there is nothing very realistic in terms of how us gay dudes live, and the entire plot was beyond silly. But among all the low low budget straight to video gay themed comedies flooding the DVD market, this is one I really enjoyed. Yup,many will not agree, but I don't really care. To each their own, right? I liked "eating out."
Stupid, total garbage, revolting
19 April 2006
This is the most over-hyped movie of 2005. It was boring for the first 45 minutes, and then turns to complete exploitive torture gore. Sure, it's gross. But that isn't scary. Gross is gross. This movie is stupid, disgusting, and a waste of time. It's all T & A, no plot, no point, no direction, no good characters,what else can I say? It's just trying to Be "Saw" or "Texes chainsaw massacre," by borrowing their gross out elements, forgetting a decent plot or good direction make a difference between a great horror film, or a piece of crap wanna be. This is a waste of time and a huge disappointment. Well, you've been warned. All I can say is, we hated it.
Clever, wicked, fantastic and...STARK SANDS
18 October 2005
The time is, 11:14. A young man is headed down a highway. Suddenly, a body falls onto the young man's car. This is how the new dynamic, original film by, Greg Marcks begins. New to DVD October, 11, 2005. But to understand how that body fell on the car, seemingly random events begin to unfold. A van of young kids, a convenience store robbery, a hit and run accident, a dead body laying near a grave in a cemetery, all these tragic, seemingly unconnected events lead up to the answer. A truly amazing, edge of your seat thriller with an all star cast: Hilary Swank, Stark Sands, Barbara Hershey, Rachael Leigh Cook, Ben Foster, Colin Hanks, Patrick Swayze, Henry Thomas. This movie is unlike any movie I have ever seen. Ingeniously interwoven. Excellently directed. Each character is excellently portrayed in this stellar cast. Stark Sands, as Tim, in particular, shows us yet another side to his amazing acting skills. In just a matter of a few years, Stark Sands, has proved to be an actor with incredible range and diversity. He is destined for super stardom. Also great is Hilary Swank, as always. Colin Hanks is hilarious, and it's great seeing Barbara Hershey and Patrick Swayze on the screen again.. So fasten your seat belts, and prepare yourself for an incredible ride. The DVD is loaded with bonus features, including the theatrical trailer, a commentary, a documentary, and a most unique optional interactive feature that lets you jump from character to character during the film, to find out what's going on as the events unfold to help you put the mystery together. Do not miss, "11:14."
A stylish, fast paced scary ride
16 September 2005
After waiting a year for this film, I finally saw it in Hollywood today on the big screen. It exceeded my expectations. This is one of the best horror/slasher films to come around in years. Relentless, gory, and an edge of your seat ride. This is not a "B" grade film. It has an obviously decent budget, a great cast, and brilliantly written and directed by Paul Etheredge-Ouzts. It is billed as the fist gay slasher film. But do no expect exploitive sex scenes. Although there is plenty of sexy male skin on hand, this is a real horror film, with lots of shocks and screams. Filmed on location during West Hollywood's annual gay Halloween parade, this gives the film a freaky feeling of even though you are surrounded by lots of people, you are still very much alone when a crazed psychopath is on the loose!! The cast, including, Dylan Fergus, Bryan Kirkwood, the adorable Hank Harris and Matt Phillips are all very good and each have very good good characters. I don't want to give anything away, instead I want to stress this is a very impressive horror film. It is a great entry in the horror genre, and a huge step in the gay film genre. This movie will no doubt gain a huge cult status, and become a horror classic. The ending is nail biting and fantastic. Hellbent is a fantastic modern horror film, not to be missed!
Blue Citrus Hearts
Great little film! Paul Foster's performance is wonderful
26 April 2005
Despite the very low budget, this film really has a lot to say. Paul Foster is great here. His portrayal is heartbreaking and so real. And after a while, I saw how attractive he is because of his inner beauty and killer smile... I think this film had so much heart and deep characters. It really was done with loving care. The film ended a bit too quickly but I am going to give this 5 stars anyhow. Please, before you watch this, do not judge the film by the low budget. Try and overlook the low budget and enjoy what the director was able to accomplish here. I really love this little film. Some parts of it broke my heart seeing how much love was here..
Amityville 3-D
Horrible 3rd sequel
21 April 2005
This is a terrible excuse of a sequel. The original "Amityville Horror" and the new 2005 re-make are excellent horror films. The 1979 original grossed $86 million at the U.S. box office and the 2005 re-make opened at number one last weekend grossing $23 million it's first 3 days!!! The first sequel to the original, "Amityville 2: the possession" was not very good(a poor $11 million box office gross), and the downward spiral continued with this stinker. Trying to cash in the huge box office gross that "Friday the 13th, Part 3 in 3-D" brought to Paramount pictures bank account(that film grossed over $35 million on a budget of $3 million), the now defunct Orion pictures released this piece of garbage to the movie going public. The result? This film was one of the long line of flops Orion endured("Tank Girl," anyone?) that contributed to Orion's bankruptcy(This crap costed the studio $7 million and it grossed a paltry $6 million.) The studio did had a few huge hits("Robocop"), but the flops they also had put them in the red. But concentrating on the film itself, it really is awful. Bad acting, sloppy direction, and very dull and boring. The only interesting thing this film has going for it is to see a beautiful then unknown actress named, Meg Ryan! And, NO, this DVD version is not being shown in 3-D(oddly, it IS available on DVD for the United Kingdom DVD release). But 3-D or no 3-D, this film sucks. Even if you are a fan of the first film, avoid this 3rd sequel at all costs! Go watch the 1979 original or the 2005 re-make instead. Jody didn't like George, but she probably despised this piece of crap even more! LOL :-) A bit of humor for ya there in an otherwise dismal review!! :-)
The Amityville Horror
The legend continues....
16 April 2005
Who cares what the critics say? This is a great re-make of the classic tale of that infamous house in Amityville, New York. A re-make of a film that critics hated in 1979, and was the #2 box-office hit of 1979 and still a classic. Even if you don't believe the story of George and Kathy Lutz, this is still a scary flick.And the fact remains, Ronald DeFaio did murder his 6 family members while they slept, because voices in the house told him to "catch em, Kill 'em," in this freaky house in 1974..Did the house become haunted after this tragedy? Was it already haunted? I dunno..But this is a great horror flick. And Ryan Reynolds' sexy face and sexy muscles doesn't hurt matters! The only thing I miss about the re-make is the absence of the creepy soundtrack of those kids singing "La la la la la la la la la".....
The Grudge
Stupid, disappointing and pointless
14 February 2005
Wow, what a total let down! The fact people think this film is scary is ridiculous. The special effects were a direct rip-off of "The ring." The story? Was there one? Not in my opinion..Just a bunch of flashy imaging. The entire film was a boring, stupid, mess. I guess there is always a market for bad films with good marketing campaigns. However, this is the worst horror film I have seen in years. And that Buffy chick? Well, she's a bad actress! As plastic as Barbie and just as talented..No, wait, that would be an insult to the talents of Barbie! I suppose many kiddies helped this film at the box office as it was PG-13, and had it been rated R, it would have bombed IMO! Stupid movie!
(I) (2004)
Haunting, real, and beautiful
5 January 2005
The recent tragic death of actor Andre Noble leaves a void that cannot be replaced. But thankfully he has left his mark in this beautifully directed film. Sugar reminds me of "My private Idaho" in terms of directing and mood. While the former film had River Phoenix, who made the film so sexy, this film has Andre Noble. Noble had an acting style that revealed passion and emotion with a sexual edge. Playing an 18 year old gay teen who is anxious to have his first sexual encounter, he falls for Butch, a gay street hustler(played well by Brendan Fehr). But this is clearly Noble's film. His heart breaking performance is so real and gripping, and he seemed so destined for super stardom. Beautiful eyes, gorgeous hair and a smile that would break a million hearts, his death leaves the film industry without his raw talent and that is a shame. I would rate this film as an indie classic. It really hit home for me. I hope straight viewers keep an open mind while viewing as Andre truly gives a performance worth seeing again and again.
The Laramie Project
(2002 TV Movie)
Sad, powerful, excellent..MATT WE MISS YOU!
10 November 2004
The 1998 gay hate crime murder of, Matthew Shepard, really hurt many people around the world, including myself. The very fact that this sweet young man, so slight in height and weight, with an angelic face could be kidnapped by two idiot kids, tied to a spit rail wooden fence and pistol whipped and tortured until his skull was literally bashed with fractures, and then left there to die, tied to that fence for 18 hours in the near freezing temperatures until a bicyclist came upon him. Matthew was at this time, in a coma, and for 4 days the world watched, waited, and hoped he would recover. Matthew did not. He died October 12th, 1998 in the hospital. This film, through a series of massive interviews with the residents of this town, is done in a documentary style, with the actors repeating the words collected in those interviews. It is very well made, very powerful and also very very sad. They filmed this in the actual town. You get to see the inside of the bar Matt was in before his abduction, as well as the college he attended, the rail fence he was tied to (THANK GOD NO MURDER IS RE-CREATED HERE), as well as the actual courtroom the trial took place at. Hopefully, people who are homophobic can see by watching this film, people are people--no matter if they are of a different race or sexual orientation. We all need to stand UNITED, encourage state laws to include zero tolerance of gay hate crimes. Matthew Shepard did not deserve to die. If anything good can come from such an evil thing that happened, let's hope this movie can open some eyes and we can stop the hate and innocent people being murdered.
TERRIBLE! The most OVER-RATED movie I have ever seen!
14 October 2004
I don't care if this movie is on more than 50 critics top 10 lists. It was, in my eyes, a horrible film. One of the worst films I sat through in a long time. I actually felt I wasted 2 hours of my life I can never get back. I also know 9 other people who rented this mess and hated it just as much. The video clerk called this movie a "stinker." I know I am in the minority here. But I stand by what I say. I would never watch this movie again. Jim Carrey cannot do drama. In fact, he is not much of an actor. He's just a modern day Jerry Lewis. When he attempts to express anguish, he puts on his typical rubber face expressions. I know I am gonna get lots of flack for saying this. But I hated hated hated this movie. It was weird in a bad way, totally stupid, and a waste of Kirsten Dunsts talents. For those of you who praise this film, more power to you. I'll never ever watch it again. I thought it made the "Friday the 13th" films look like Oscar winners. Seriously. Alful, pointless, and enternally boring. I give it a huge thumbs down and a zero rating.
Crazy Richard
A big disappointment
6 October 2004
The mock documentary starts out well enough. A pre-teen child star overdoses on drugs and ruins his acting career. Flash forward to the present, he is now seeking a comeback by starring in a late night gay comedy series. He claims to the media he is straight when he's obviously a flamboyant gay young man. He allows a camera crew to follow him around in hopes of creating a buzz that will make his series a hit and himself a star again. Problem is, he is still on drugs, caught making out with guys at gay clubs, and acting desperate for attention. The idea sounds hilarious. And the lead actor is cute in a very odd sort of way, and he delivers his lines very convincingly. But after a very funny start, the film starts to fall apart. Things that probably looked funny on a script didn't translate well onto film. The main problem here is the dark humor ends up not being funny. It just ends up being dark and tragic. It also pokes fun at drug abuse, desperation and death in a way that simply is not funny. It also seemed rushed and didn't allow enough time to tell the story or focus enough on the main star, who is the most talented actor in this film. That is a big mistake. I really was looking forward to this film and rented it on netflix the first day it was released. The description said the film was over 80 minutes, but the DVD ran just under one hour. No extras/bonus features are included either. I feel if you are going to make a comic take on such a dark subject, the story needs to be fleshed out and treated as a dark comedy without exploiting things that simply are not funny. In the recent past, way too many real life tragic events have happened to famous people and it's simply not funny to me. Think Dana Plato for example: nothing was funny about her fall from grace into drugs and death. It's tragic. It's almost like making a comedy about a murder or a horrible car crash and poking fun at it. I do hope the lead actor gets more parts in films. He's an interesting actor that I'd like to see more of. It's not his fault the writers and the director didn't know how to properly flesh out the story, instead of rushing it to a finish the last 15 minutes of the film without leaving the viewer satisfied. What a shame. Also, the actress playing the director of the documentary was so annoying, I wanted her to just shut up. She has a complete lack of any talent and whines and screams 4 letter words the entire time. I hope to never see her in a movie again.
Valley of the Dolls
This CLASSIC set the standards for future night time soaps
14 September 2004
OK, for those of you that trash this film..Were any of you fans of Aaron Spelling's "Dynasty" or "Melrose Place?" And to those that trash this film because it isn't a blue print of the novel it came from: you are missing the point. The novel was still high gloss, soapy campy trash. And so is this film. But, that is the film's charm. There had never been a movie such as this when it was released. Over the top acting, often bad acting I might add. Steamy sex, back stabbing, pill popping, and cat fights. And even though the film was initially trashed by reviews, it made millions at the box office, and millions more on video(Industry stats list the film as grossing more than $30 million on home video alone, and counting). This is entertainment that obviously inspired Aaron Spelling's mega prime time hits of the future. Starting with Spelling's smash hit TV movie(and hard to find) "Home for the holidays," a 1971 horror film that actually was more of a trashy, campy, fun soap romp starring Jill Haworth, Julie Harris and Sally Field. Later, in the 1980's, Spelling introduced us to his mega popular night time soap, "Dynasty," with was #1 for years and ran for 9 glorious seasons of trashy, over the top, glossy, back stabbing fun. Then the 1990's brought Spelling's "Melrose Place," another pop culture mega hit, and it took the campy fun to an all time high, pulling no punches and while totally trashy and certainly not real life, it entertained audiences for 7 fun seasons and is now gaining popularity again in re-runs. All I am saying is, take "Valley" as it is: soapy trashy fun! It is honestly the blue print, like it or not, of the campy night time soaps that later ruled the airwaves. And, like those shows that took it's cue, "Valley' should not be judged by being anything but entertaining pop culture. Reading abut how the stars of this thought it was going to bring them Academy Awards and such, I wonder if they really read the script? Or read the novel? Patty Duke was almost banished from Hollywood for years after her over the top performance here, which, if she had done it now on a hit soap, fans would have laughed and loved her over acting screaming and back stabbing performance. Maybe that is why this film still is a hot rental and big seller. IT IS FUN! If you want, "Gone with the wind," then go watch it. But if you want to kick back and laugh and howl for two hours and see exactly where the future of prime time soaps were birthed, look no further! This is it! Sharon Tate was lovely, and I often wonder if she could have gone on to mega stardom given the proper material, and if her horrible death had not happened. Looking forward to a DVD of this film, and hoping "extras" are included such as Judy Garland's few completed(nd cut) scenes before being fired, deleated scenes, and interviews with the cast members reflecting on this film today.
Latter Days
A beautiful movie!
11 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far, the best gay themed film I have seen this year! The premise is about a shallow, but gorgeous gay young man in his 20's. He is dared to accept a bet that he cannot seduce a straight college mormon neighbor. Along the way, he falls in love with this (also) gorgeous mormon guy. Many plot twists occur along the way. Just when you think the movie is headed towards tragedy, which may bring you to tears, a ray of light shines! I will not reveal any spoilers, as this film needs to be viewed without the spoilers. This is such a beautiful movie. Both main characters change their perspectives about life. It is so wonderful! Words cannot express how much I enjoyed this movie. I am going to purchase this title, as it belongs in everybody's video collection, both gay and straight. If you are gay, you will most likely love this movie as much as I do. If you are straight, yet homophobic, hopefully this film will change your views about being gay. We are all human. And sexuality should not "define" who a person is. Love is universal, and this movie presents that. It has meanings on so many levels. Directed with loving care, and including a wonderful cast, most notably stars Steve Sandvoss, Wes Ramsey, and veteran actress, Jacqueline Bisset, I highly recommend this movie. I love this movie and will enjoy it time and time again. A masterpiece in gay cinema.
The Singing Forest
1 September 2004
And along comes yet another "no budget" gay themed film with terrible acting, horrific directing, choppy editing and a bad soundtrack. While gay cinema has had many wonderful films the past few years, it has also encouraged some wanna-be film makers into releasing complete trash. This film makes no sense. It's just a complete waste of time for the unsuspecting viewer.
And it's billed as a gay version of "ghost?" Only in the eyes of the publicity machine. I tunred this dvd off after 47 minutes.I finally realised I was better off as this film was agony in terms of trying to watch the entire thing.
And it's billed as a gay version of "ghost?" Only in the eyes of the publicity machine. I tunred this dvd off after 47 minutes.I finally realised I was better off as this film was agony in terms of trying to watch the entire thing.
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