On social media, pooja posted a photo of herself wearing colors she seldom wears, showcasing her sense of style. The diva was decked up in a bandeau top with long sleeves and stripes of rust, orange, and white. The bandeau, which was made of crinkle chiffon fabric, had a deep neckline that hung down, a front buckle feature, and a knot tie in the back to offer even more oomph. It was worn with a similar layer midi skirt with stripes of rust orange and white, which was secured with an invisible side zip.
Pooja accessorized her appearance with only a set of earrings from Eurumme Jewellery, leaving her silky tresses open down her back in a side-parted haircut to play with the sea wind. pooja enhanced the glam factor with coral eyeshadow, mascara-filled eyelashes, kohl-lined eyes with black eyeliner streaks, rosy reddened cheeks, and filled-in eyebrows, all while sporting a dab of pink lipstick.