A sandbox game that aims to go where sandbox games seldom go. It's focus is not on pointless tiering up, but rather on exploration and adventure with friends. Explore infinite worlds, new dimensions, and multiplayer!
The alpha (free) version of the game will be released in 2015.
Imagine a world with no boundaries. You can build as high as you want, dig as deep as you want, or explore a thriving world in any direction. The possibilities for a world like this is endless. This world is Explorium.
This is the old version of the game that is no longer supported.
Download OLD Explorium
I realized a few months ago that this project will never be finished. There are a few reasons for this, namely that the idea behind it is - well - not good. Explorium is essentially a Terraria or Minecraft clone, and that's all it ever was. I'm releasing it because a fair amount of people want to play it. I also wanted to bring some sort of finality to this project. A death sentence, if you will. So here it is, the final resting place of a naively conceived game.
Playable, but not enjoyable, I'd say. It has multiplayer and lighting and some other basic features, but beyond that it's not much of a game. It probably has many bugs I don't know about, and an equal amount I do know about. Proceed with caution and an open mind, is what I'm saying.
Yes, you can play it! You can download it right here. Windows only, by the way. I'm also thinking about releasing the source code if anybody wants it for some reason.
Me and friends have developed a few games since this. You can see everything we make/have made here. (These include not just games, actually, but music and art and videos and other fun things)
So if you read through all of the above without previously knowing about this project, here's some context:
Oh, and this is the closest thing Explorium has to a trailer. It's fairly old, so it doesn't really represent the state of the game currently, but that doesn't really matter.
P.S. > Big thanks to those who stuck with this game until the end! Sorry it had to end this way.
Changes to the lighting engine have been made. Lights are brighter, spread more, and the whole method is approximately 100 times faster. The spreads are...
Explorium in the last year has grown tremendously. This is a synopsis of the recent development, alongside some informative media.
Explorium is inching towards the BIG UPDATE, set to release 2014. This MASSIVELY HUGE UPDATE includes insane features such as INFINITE WORLDS, LIGHTING...
Download and enjoy v0.2! Packed with all kinds of great new features including mobs, tons of new items, and biomes.
So the download links were taken down i guess? o_O where can i download and try this game?
Here you go
This project was abandoned about a year ago. I can put up a download but the game is in no way stable or complete.
Heh, the way you say that you used to use game maker kinda reminds me of my game, other than i think i'll keep it in game maker but try and polish up as much as possible
Explorium has been added on Sandbox-Games.net : Sandbox-games.net
The link to the dev blog is broken.
Thanks for pointing that out! I fixed it.
no me gusta el personaje , pero se ve bastante bueno tu juego .
Yeah it seems nobody likes the character. Don't worry, I'll make him more beautiful!
Vk.com an idea for a character in the game
Thanks for doing that, but he seems to be quite boxy and short. Again, the current character is temporary.