
Fourth generation farmer Tim Deal writes: "Congress can help support our rural communities and secure our food supply by passing a strong five-year Farm Bill now. It’s already two years overdue, and farmers cannot wait any longer."
Dustin Gawrylow responds to Scott Hennen's column about South Dakota's energy infrastructure.
Kathy Schneible of Lincoln, N.D. writes: "It's time to get involved and contact your state representatives and let them know it's not too late to come up with a plan that gives the tax payers what they promised when they opposed Measure 4."
"College is a place to learn and prepare for the world outside the campus. I think the commission taught these five young men and others a valuable life lesson," writes Michael Beauchane of West Fargo.


More Letters
Karen Eriksmoen of Fargo does not like the headline choice for a recent story about a Fargo VA employee receiving a mean-spirited note.
Bill Prokopyk of Bismarck shares how not having as much daylight will affect citizens of North Dakota.
Ross Nelson of Casselton, N.D., writes about the Fargo Park District's sale of the Northern Pacific Depot in downtown Fargo.
"For over 30 years, MassResistance has been taking a stand against the abusive, destructive, dishonest LGBT agenda, and we have never backed down, even in the face of death threats, so petty name-calling from emotionally immature adults cannot harm us," writes Field Director Arthur Schaper.
Kaye Carlson of Grand Forks writes: "Public schools are the foundation of strong communities"
David Kragnes writes, "Since no politician has been able, since the Clinton administration, to balance the budget, haven’t we proven we need an unelected auditor to at least expose the spending?"


Andy Thomsen of Canada writes: "We must adopt and use a multi-member proportional ballot that separates the party vote from the candidate vote, like democracies around the world have been using for decades. Without it, we will continue to self-destruct."
"Courage means being honest, it means doing things scared, it means being vulnerable and human. And as I look across the legislative session of 2025, I see so many people standing up," writes Faye Seidler.
Tony Grindberg and other members of the Cass County Commission support reform that offers the county the flexibility to manage its finances while still ensuring sustainability.


Dennis "Mac" McMahon writes: "Will you be content, North Dakota, when Trump and his enablers reduce our country to an authoritarian state? And the politicians? Nothing short of pathetic cowards."
Paul N. Jensen of Fargo writes that the importance of reliable weather data has traditionally earned bipartisan support, yet that legacy is now being threatened under the Trump administration.
J. Patrick Traynor from the Dakota Medical Foundation wants to thank everyone who participated in Giving Hearts Day.