Tips for preventing frozen pipes

With below-zero temperatures in our region, a plumbing expert says there are a number of things homeowners can do to prevent pipes from freezing and breaking.

Cold weather can lead to frozen pipes if precautions aren't taken.
Jay Dahl / WDAY News

FARGO — During the ongoing cold weather, there are some things you can do to prevent the pipes in your home from freezing.

Tony Gray, the plumbing service manager with Home Heating, Plumbing, and Air Conditioning said you should turn your heat up a little more than usual, especially on really cold days.


Gray said they responded to a number of frozen water lines over this past weekend.

You can also turn on the faucet and let the water run for a little while.

"Water as it's flowing won't freeze, so if you're running the water, and you don't have to run it real fast, just where it's moving," Gray said.

If you have cabinets below kitchen or bathroom sinks, he said people should keep the doors open.

"It just allows the warm air to get underneath the cabinets, you know when it's closed off there's just no air movement there, and it just helps get a little bit more heat under those areas," Gray said.



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