27 details you may have missed on the final season of 'Better Call Saul'

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Kim Wexler's earrings have been holding a secret on "Better Call Saul." Greg Lewis/AMC/Sony Pictures Television
  • Warning: There are spoilers ahead for "Better Call Saul."
  • Insider breaks down small moments and "Breaking Bad" nods you may have missed so far this season.
  • Fans will want to take a closer look at Kim's earrings and outfits and Nacho's farewell shirt.

The house seen at the start of the season-six premiere was originally supposed to be the same one that Kim and Jimmy looked at in season five.

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If you thought these were supposed to be the same house, you were right, but that's not how things turned out. AMC

The season-six premiere showcases Saul's house, which was never shown on "Better Call Saul." You may have gotten emotional at the start of the episode, thinking that Saul eventually purchased the dream house that he and Kim looked at, but it wasn't.

On the "Better Call Saul Insider" podcast, the creative team shared that the original plan was to use the same house.

"Our original idea in the writer's room was that this would be the house that Jimmy and Kim looked at — the empty house when they kind of went house shopping last season," the "Better Call Saul" cocreator Peter Gould said. "We thought, 'Wouldn't it be great if he had bought the house that he and Kim looked at?'"

Gould added that after scouting the house, they realized it was too restrictive to film inside to accomplish what they wanted to capture.

"It was such a wonderful idea to use that same house, and I held on to it probably a little bit longer than I should've," Gould said.

Saul now considers himself the world's greatest lawyer.

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Saul's new mug is a throwback to his old thermos. AMC, composite by Kirsten Acuna/Insider

When he was with Kim, she gifted him a thermos on season two where he was referred to as the world's 2nd greatest lawyer. (The joke was that Kim was the greatest.)

Now that Kim quit the legal profession, Jimmy considers himself the best.

The flash-forward scenes in season six, episode nine take place a few years before the events of "Breaking Bad."

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The sticker on Saul's license plate on season six, episode nine has the year 2005. AMC

"Breaking Bad" took place between 2008 and 2010.

This shot of Kim from the penultimate episode was a replica of one of Walter White from "Breaking Bad."

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Kim Wexler on season six, episode 12 of "Better Call Saul" and Walter White on season two, episode nine of "Breaking Bad." AMC

It's the same exact shot of Walter White (Bryan Cranston) on season two, episode nine of "Breaking Bad" before he went off for a weekend in the desert with his student, Jesse, to cook meth.

Walter White's former colleague, Holly, is briefly seen on the shuttle with Kim.

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A "Breaking Bad" character can be seen sitting next to Kim on the shuttle. AMC

The Hollywood Reporter's Brian Davids pointed out this really impressive Easter egg that cocreator Peter Gould confirmed on Twitter.

Holly even winds up comforting Kim as she starts to break down.

Kim has influenced some of Jimmy's choices as Saul Goodman that we see on "Breaking Bad."

Kim Wexler Better Call Saul influenced Saul Goodman persona
Saul Goodman was partially a creation of Kim Wexler. AMC

Throughout the season, we start to see that Jimmy has adopted some mannerisms as Saul Goodman and made choices based of things Kim said to him in the past. 

Here are the ones we've picked up on so far:

  1. In the premiere, when Jimmy tells Kim he rented a car, Kim tells him that Saul wouldn't drive a brown Ford Taurus. It's not gaudy or showy. She says Saul would drive a flashy American vehicle. Saul eventually gets a white Cadillac.
  2. Kim was the one who told Jimmy that Saul Goodman should have an eye-catching office, "a cathedral of justice," and suggested they start looking for a spot.
  3. On episode five, season six, Kim playfully pretends to be Saul, telling Jimmy, "I'm Saul Goodman. Pow. I fight for you!" Jimmy eventually uses that phrase and others like it in TV ads to promote his business on "Breaking Bad."

Kim was wearing the earrings and necklace that her mom stole for her since the show's start.

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Kim wears the earrings and necklace her mom stole all throughout "Better Call Saul." AMC, Ursula Coyote/AMC

At the start of episode six, season six, we learn that teenage Kim attempted to shoplift a pair of earrings and a matching necklace, something that seemed to go against everything the audience knows about the usually noble, moral attorney.

After scolding Kim, her mother presents her with the shoplifted items, revealing she ultimately swiped them for her daughter. You may not have noticed that the earrings in the set are the ones Kim has been wearing since we first met her on the show's first season. You can sometimes see that Kim is wearing the necklace, too.

As Kim starts to make some questionable decisions, or "break bad," on the show's final season, viewers learn that this behavior isn't coming from nowhere.

The colors people wear are symbolic of their morality on the show.

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Despite Kim still wearing blue throughout the season, hints of red have crept into Kim's attire on the final season of "Better Call Saul." Greg Lewis/AMC/Sony Pictures Television, composite by Kirsten Acuna/Insider

Gould previously confirmed on Twitter that his team had a color code on the show where "hotter colors are associated with crime."

He told fans to figure out the rest, hinting that those who wear blue were on the right side of the law.

If you've been paying attention to the colors people have worn this season, you'll notice that Kim's clothing has started to get warmer than in prior seasons. Noticeably, she's seen wearing combinations of blue and red, which hints that her morality is becoming blurred.

Nacho's acts on his final episode symbolize a rebirth of his character before he sacrifices his life.

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Michael Mando noted that his shirt had tiny crosses on it that you may have missed. Greg Lewis/AMC/Sony Pictures Television

On episode three, season six, Nacho, played by Michael Mando, submerges himself in oil inside a tanker to hide from the Salamanca twins. After coming out, he sheds himself of his clothing and money before heading back to the US. 

He's given a final meal and, unlike previous episodes where he wore red to symbolize his criminal intent, wears a white shirt adorned with small crosses to show he's at peace.

On the "Better Call Saul Insider" podcast, Mando described how those actions symbolized a rebirth of the character before he took his own life to save his father at the episode's end.

"We were talking about how coming out of the oil tanker, he dies, he goes into hell, and then he comes out, like coming out of the womb," Mando said of the episode's symbolism. "Then, he pukes, he cleans himself, and then he has no more need for anything material. He gives away all the money."

Mando added of the imagery: "Then, he's wearing white. If you notice on the shirts, there were little crosses. If you zoom in on Nacho's shirt there were crosses."

The sewer tunnel scene in the mid-season finale was filmed using the oil tanker that Nacho hid inside.

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The same prop was retooled to film the oil tanker and sewer scenes on season six of "Better Call Saul." AMC

Lalo didn't really dive down into a sewer on season six, episode seven. According to the "Better Call Saul Insider" podcast, the creative team reused the oil tanker that Nacho hid inside on season six, episode three when they fell behind production wise during the pandemic. 

In order to transform the oil tanker into a believable sewer tunnel, the ends were cut off to repurpose it for the mid-season finale.

The song that kicks off the premiere, "Days of Wine and Roses," is where the episode title "Wine and Roses" comes from.

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Did you make the connection between the song that opened the premiere of the final season? AMC

The Jackie Gleason song's lyrics speak of happier memories between a couple, referred to as "the days of wine and roses."

Played the season premiere as Saul Goodman's personal items are being packaged up and carted away, the tune foreshadows Goodman's pending downfall that fans expect to come by the series' end later this year.

The rest of the episode (and series up until the mid-season finale) show fans Kim and Saul's "days of wine and roses."

The season's opening montage has so many callbacks that make more sense after you've watched later episodes. You can spot Kevin Wachtell's Mesa Verde photo.

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The Mesa Verde photo gets tossed in a box labeled "no value" on the season-six premiere. AMC, composite by Kirsten Acuna/Insider

The Mesa Verde photo is tossed into a box as Saul's items are packed up. In season five, Kim shows Jimmy the photo and suggests that Kevin copied the horse image illegally to create the logo for Mesa Verde without crediting or compensating the original photographer.

When Jimmy later accused Kevin of stealing the image, Kevin fessed up, falsely believing that purchasing the photo gave him rights to the photo's intellectual property.

Another item that's tossed in that box is Saul's "little black book," which appears on episode six, season six.

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Kim and Jimmy look at the little black book, which can be seen in the opening minutes of the show's final season. AMC, Greg Lewis/AMC/Sony Pictures Television

Saul and Kim visit Dr. Caldera, a veterinarian with connections to the criminal underworld.  He's appeared on the show since season one as someone who has helped Mike in a pinch. Saul and Kim learn that Caldera's going to retire soon and that he's looking to part with a book full of valuable contacts.

At some point, Saul winds up with that book.

The little black book contains some familiar names written in code.

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Huell is said to be among the many names in the little black book. AMC, Greg Lewis/AMC/Sony Pictures Television

The Reddit user AsuranFish thinks they've deciphered a lot of the black book's pages that have been shown on screen this season. Among the names in the book are Huell and Nacho. The latter has been crossed out after his death earlier this season.

On the "Better Call Saul Insider" podcast, the episode's writer, Ariel Levine, said the cipher was put together by a few assistants on the series.

You can read the translations of the cipher here.

Eagle-eyed fans may have spotted the "Best Quality Vacuum Repair" card inside the black book.

Better Call Saul vacuum repair
Robert Forster played "the disappearer" on "Breaking Bad." AMC, Ursula Coyote/AMC

Saul eventually visits the vacuum store, run by Ed (Robert Forster), on the final season of "Breaking Bad" when he needs to flee Albuquerque, New Mexico, and is sent to Nebraska.

The number on the card is supposed to be used when someone is in trouble and wants to disappear and start a new life with a new identity. Kim takes a look at the card, too, making us wonder if she will use the service by the show's end.

The camera homes in on the Zafiro Añejo bottle stopper in the season premiere.

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A bottle of Zafiro Añejo costs about $500. AMC, composite by Kirsten Acuna/Insider

The fictional tequila goes back to season two on "Better Call Saul" when Jimmy and Kim con a man into buying them $50 shots of the expensive tequila.

The following season, Jimmy buys Kim a bottle of the tequila, and she holds onto the topper. It's the only thing Kim takes from Schweikart & Cokely when she quits the firm at the end of season five.

"Breaking Bad" fans know the tequila from season four. Gus poisons and gifts the tequila to Don Eladio, leading to the death of Eladio and his cartel members.

Saul gets the inflatable Statue of Liberty eventually from the Kettlemans.

Better Call Saul inflatable
They used the same inflatable from "Breaking Bad." AMC

In episode two, season six, we're reintroduced to Betsy and Craig Kettleman, who now own a tax-services company. The pair have a large inflatable version of Lady Liberty to draw in customers.

It's the same inflatable balloon that eventually sits atop the strip-mall roof on "Breaking Bad" where Saul runs his legal practice. In episode two, Saul briefly eyes it up. 

It's unclear how Saul winds up with the inflatable. We may eventually see Saul steal it, or viewers may be left to connect the dots on their own. 

"It was impossible to find a duplicate," Vince Gilligan, the show's creator, said on the "Better Call Saul Insider" podcast, confirming that it's the original one fans saw on "Breaking Bad." "Our crew looked all over the country and maybe even Canada."

He added: "There's only one that we could find."

"Battle Hymn of the Republic" plays when Jimmy first walks into the Kettlemans' tax business.

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Pay attention to the music playing when Jimmy enters the trailer on season six, episode two. AMC, composite by Kirsten Acuna

According to aftershow "Talking Saul," that's one of the songs that plays in Saul Goodman's waiting room on "Breaking Bad."

Lalo's decision to kill Mateo, the man in the premiere, wasn't impulsive. That person was always meant to be his body double. He and his wife weren't aware that was his role.

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Mateo's reflection in the mirror shows that he resembles Lalo after a quick shave. AMC, composite by Kirsten Acuna/Insider

Lalo needed a body to make his death look believable to Gus and the world after a group of mercenaries failed to kill him in the season-five finale. In the premiere, Lalo suggests that Mateo shaves his face to look similar to him before killing him off screen.

On the "Better Call Saul Insider" podcast, the team explained how that man was always meant to be a body double of Lalo's in case things ever went sideways. He didn't come up with that plan randomly.

"We had this idea that he had a double," Gould said. "The idea was, this is a guy who he spotted, who's a regular normal human being, and he's brought this family to live in the Salamanca neighborhood. Unfortunately for them, this is the moment that he needs his double."

Gould said they had many conversations about whether Lalo's double should be aware that he was living on borrowed time and was Lalo's double. They decided he should be in the dark. 

"I think the idea is that they're honest people, and they're very grateful to Lalo for all the good things he's done for them, but now it's time to pay the piper," Gould said.

"I don't think they know what their job is," Gilligan added.

If you revisit one episode, a seemingly harmless conversation between Lalo and the man's wife about the dentist is now a bit horrifying.

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Lalo needed a body double so others thought he was dead. AMC

The dentist conversation, where Mateo's wife thanks Lalo for sending her husband to his dentist, seems harmless until you realize her husband is his unknowing Lalo's double. 

Lalo sent Mateo to his dentist so the dental records shown on episode two would later match up with his own.

The seemingly nice gesture is soiled once you realize the shrewd and calculating Lalo was looking out for himself.

Kim lies on her bed in the same position as a portrait that hangs in her apartment.

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Rhea Seehorn said she purposefully laid that way on the bed. AMC

"There is a drawing that Kim has of a woman lying on a bed in her living room that's on the bookshelf you pass as you go through the hallway to the bedroom and that is exactly how Kim is lying on the bed," Rhea Seehorn, who plays Kim, said on the "Better Call Saul Insider" podcast of directing, episode four, season six.

Seehorn made the artwork and others that hang in the apartment, including the bird paintings seen over Kim and Jimmy's bed.

The cockroach on season six, episode seven symbolized Jimmy and inspired Lalo to head to Jimmy and Kim's condo.

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The sighting of the cockroach in the sewer made a light bulb go off in Lalo's head on season six, episode seven of "Better Call Saul." AMC

If you were surprised that Lalo appeared at Jimmy's apartment at the end of season six, episode seven, you shouldn't have been. The cockroach that passed by him in the sewer reminded him of Jimmy.

On the "Better Call Saul Insider" podcast, Gould pointed out that Lalo previously referred to Jimmy as a cockroach on season five, noting that he's a survivor.

Why return to Jimmy's?

Last season, while acquiring Lalo's $7 million in bail money, Jimmy got shot at and Mike had to step in and save him. The two trekked through the desert to make it back. When Lalo asked what took so long, Jimmy made up a story about car trouble and walking through the desert all night. 

Lalo never believed that story, thinking that Jimmy lied to him about something that happened in the desert after finding his car in a ditch full of bullet holes.

At the time, Kim stepped in to get Lalo off their backs. Lalo finally bought the tale, but, now that he knows Mike is working with his nemesis Gus, it seems like Lalo may not be sold on Jimmy's version of the truth anymore. Kim and Jimmy may not be able to lie their way out of this one.

Lalo is smiling when he dies because of the circumstances of his death.

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Lalo smiles up at Gus before dying on season six, episode eight. AMC

"Vince said to me, he said, Look, maybe you're just looking at Gus going, god damnit. You got me. You got lucky man. It was dark and you just shot out there,'" Tony Dalton, who played Lalo, said on the "Better Call Saul" insider podcast of how he and cocreator Vince Gilligan described his character's last moments.

"That was that smile. It was like, 'Jesus. You lucky bastard. See you in hell,'" Dalton added.

You may not have realized it, but Chuck's "The Time Machine" book was previously seen on season six of "Better Call Saul."

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We finally learned the importance of "The Time Machine" book that was seen on the season six premiere. AMC

H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine" makes an appearance in Saul's house as it's being cleared on the season six premiere. The book can be seen again on the following episode, "Carrot and Stick," in Jimmy and Kim's room on his side of the bed.

The book is never discussed on the series. Its significance shows that Chuck and his words about how you can always change your path if you don't like where you're heading have always stayed with Jimmy.

The entire finale felt like we were stepping into a time machine with Saul/Jimmy moving back in time before the events of "Better Call Saul," moving forward to the timeline after "Better Call Saul," and to a few key moments from the series.

Kim and Jimmy share one final cigarette together on the finale, a callback to the first one they shared on the show's pilot.

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It's almost as if the entire scene is flipped. Kim and Jimmy are now on the opposite side of the room and the angle at which the light hits them comes from the opposite direction, behind bars. AMC, composite by Kirsten Acuna/Insider

Kim and Jimmy recreate the moment when we first see them together on the first episode of "Better Call Saul." Jimmy even puts the shared cigarette gently back in Kim's mouth.

When Kim leaves the prison, Jimmy pointed his fingers and silently fired shots her way, a nod to the season five finale.

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Kim and Jimmy closed out the last two seasons of "Better Call Saul" with the same gesture. AMC, composite by Kirsten Acuna/Insider

When Kim suggested running a scheme on Howard on the season five finale of "Better Call Saul," she made the same gestures to Jimmy.

Viewers see scenes of Jimmy with Mike, Walt, and Chuck on the series' finale. They're supposed to represent three ghosts in his life in a nod to "A Christmas Carol."

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Jimmy has flashback scenes with three people who have been integral to him. Greg Lewis/AMC/Sony Pictures Television

If you started to think that the flashback scenes with Mike, Walt, and Chuck felt out of place, they were meant to showcase three ghosts visiting Jimmy. On the "Better Call Saul" insider podcast, series co-creator Peter Gould confirmed this was a nod to "A Christmas Carol."

"We have these three characters who are all dead in the present day of our episode: Mike, Walt, and Chuck. When we talked about this season and what happens to Jimmy, we used to always talk about 'A Christmas Carol' so it seems appropriate that he gets visited by three ghosts in this final episode," said Gould.

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