Find the right academic fit

Create a major or degree exploratory plan
The best way to find a program that works for you is to learn all your options and create an exploratory plan so you can make an informed decision. Choosing a major is a process. You may need to try a few courses in a degree program or check out several options before you decide, but that work will be worth it.
Look at the list of degrees and programs
Go through the list of majors at your IU campus and narrow it down to the ones that are interesting to you or seem to fit with one of your potential career goals.
Work with your academic advisor, academic coach, or career coach once you get to campus
Together, you can identify your values, interests, and skills. Talk to them about the career options related to the majors you’re considering and look at the pros and cons of each program.
Consider taking an exploratory course at your campus
Exploratory courses are survey courses that look at a wide range of programs and careers to give you an in-depth look at different choices.
Take classes to fulfill general education requirements
As you’re exploring, it’s helpful to complete general education requirements so that you can work to graduate on time.
Take a course in a major that interests you
Try a class or two in one of the majors you’re considering. Talk with professors and instructors about the field, and join a related student organization to get a better feel for what students in the program are planning for their careers. Find out about minors or certificates that can enhance your degree.
Learn how to enter a school or division once you decide on a program
Work with your advisor to apply to the school or department you’ve chosen, or to change your major if you declared a different major before.

Explore degrees and majors at IU
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