"An Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living."
- Socrates -
Little Joni's Life Lessons
Did you ever look back over your life and wonder how and when you learned certain lessons? It’s an interesting thing to do. It’s also a scary thing to do. It makes you think about all the times you screwed up. What’s even scarier is that you don’t always remember the lessons you’ve learned and you have to repeat the screw-ups in order to learn them again.
Little Joni’s Life Lessons is a hilarious look into some of the crazy ways that one can learn about life through a series of everyday experiences. With a collection of short stories, Joni shares what she has learned during her journey from childhood curiosity, Catholic confusion, growing up in the groovy 1970’s and finding her soul mate to starting her family and so much more.
So jump on the “big gray elephant” and join her on this ride. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll walk away feeling like a better, stronger person who can manage life far greater than you ever imagined.
No? Okay, then maybe you can just sit back, relax, escape your daily routine, and enjoy reading about how Little Joni learned her life lessons.

What can we say about Joni Myers? Hmmm, well, we could go with statistics, but that would be boring. We could go with looks, but that would be scary. Let’s just say that Joni Myers is a writer. She loves the art of storytelling and loves to move people with her words. She likes to make people laugh. She likes to shock people. She likes to thrill people. She likes to excite people. She doesn’t really like to make people cry, but if one of her stories compels tears, she’s okay with that.
If you still want to know the statistics, read her first book, Little Joni’s Life Lessons, which is a memoir that should tell you all you need to know.
THE stories
I wanted Little Joni's Life Lessons to be my first book because, as a writer, I wanted people to get to know me a little bit. Now that the memoir is finished, I am excited to write my first fiction story.
I have a curiosity about the human mind and what makes certain people act the way they do, good or bad. Of course, in fiction, the badder the better! It's more interesting, don't you think?
I've always been inspired by psychological thrillers and stories about human nature and the irony of life. I've been drawn to works by Alfred Hitchcock, Stephen King, and O. Henry. I love movies like The Dentist and The Roommate. I also secretly watch all of the Lifetime movies with the demented, mind controlling characters. (Don't tell anybody.)
Now I have some of my own stories about crazy people knocking at my brain to come out. I want to give readers the fun, exciting, entertaining, edge-of-your-seat sensation that I've enjoyed over the years.
It's still in the works, but I'll give you a little peak of what's to come. The title is The Obitchuary and you will be meeting an interesting woman named Gladys. I can't wait to see what happens!

THE Stories

THE Stories
©2017 by Joni Myers