JWI’s Theory of Change: Women’s Leadership
Create supportive communities of women
Mentor young women just beginning their careers
Train the next generation of Jewish nonprofit leaders
Engage men as allies to support gender equity in the home and workplace
Our workplaces and communities will be safe and equitable spaces where women can access the highest levels of leadership
We will live in a world free of violence and inequity, where all women and girls thrive.

To JWI, women’s leadership is not about climbing the corporate ladder (though we champion every woman’s ambition) or even arriving at the top (though we celebrate every woman’s achievements)…
Leadership is about seeing what’s possible, mapping our individual journeys, and reaching our personal summits.
Whether in a corner office, a home office, or in the community, JWI creates opportunities to explore our ambitions, ensure our own security, and realize the full potential of our personal strength.
Women’s Leadership Programs
Financial Empowerment
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