[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”List of registerd Suppliers for FY 2023″]

1 KEMRI/HQS/001/2023-2024 Tender for supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of:

• Fully automatic Haematology analyzer

                    874,000.00 HOMEFIX LTD
Tender for supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of:

• Fully automatic chemistry analyzer

                  1,450,000.00 Biocare Health Systems Ltd
Tender for supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of:
• Thermos Incubator 370C 1251 Model BJPX-H3011
                     475,600.00 FARAM E.A LTD
Tender for supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of:

• Water distiller

                    750,000.00 Biocare Health Systems Ltd
Tender for supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of:

• Auto plate, Elisa washer and reader

                    880,200.00 Biotec Laboratories Ltd
2 KEMRI/HQS/002/2023-2024 Tender for supply, delivery, installation , testing and commissioning of,
• Centrifuge, Refrigerated, 5417Rw/Rotor, 240V AC- 5407
                  1,334,000.00 FARAM E.A LTD
KEMRI/HQS/002/2023-2024 Tender for supply, delivery, installation , testing and commissioning of,

• Biosafety cabinets class 2

                 2,500,000.00 Biocare Health Systems Ltd
KEMRI/HQS/002/2023-2024 Tender for supply, delivery, installation , testing and commissioning of,
• Freezer Upright 40°C to 86°C with microprocessor control LCD touch
screen. Model BDF-86V588
                 2,850,000.00 Biocare Health Systems Ltd
KEMRI/HQS/002/2023-2024 Tender for supply, delivery, installation , testing and commissioning of,

• Freezer Upright -10 to -250°C, Direct cooling 400ltrs.

                    580,000.00 Biocare Health Systems Ltd
3 KEMRI/HQS/004/2023-2024 Supply, delivery, Installation, testing, and commissioning of Laptops and Desktop computers TERMINATED TERMINATED
KEMRI/HQS/005/2023-2024 Tender for supply, delivery, installation , testing and commissioning of, a
passenger lift with No. stop (Grnd, 1st & 2nd) (Re-advertisement)
                  8,655,704.00 TERMINATED
4 KEMRI/HQS/007/2023-2024 Tender for the Provision of Security Services in Siaya, Busia-Alupe, Kwale, Malindi, Taita Taveta (Mahoo & Kivalwa), Kirinyaga, Mtwapa, Kilifi(Bofa House), and Eldoret Centres. TERMINATED TERMINATED
5 KEMRI/HQS/010/2023-2024 Tender for Provision of Motor Vehicle and Motor Cycle Insurance Cover.                 14,000,000.00 Geminia Insurance
6 KEMRI/HQS/011/2023-2024 Tender for Provision of Workman Injury Benefit Act (WIBA), Group Personal Accident (GPA) and Public Liability(PL) for
Kenya Medical Research Institute.
                 14,201,229.00  Geminia Insurance
                                            ALL TENDERS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2023-2024 (REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS)
7 KEMRI/HQS/RFP/001/2023-2024 Consultancy services for recruitment of Director General, Director Corporate Services & Deputy Director Human Resource                    7,762,184.00 DELOIITE
8 KEMRI/HQS/RFP/002/2023-2024 Request for Proposal for Consultancy Service to Conduct Customer Satisfaction Survey.                   1,958,720.00 NUMBERS AFRIKA
9 KEMRI/HQS/RFP/003/2023-2024 Request for Proposal for Production of Local Manufacturing Services of Rapid Diagnostic Test Kits. Non Responsive Non Responsive
10 KEMRI/HQS/RFP/004/2023-2024 Request for Proposal for Production of Local Manufacturing Services of Rapid Diagnostic Test Kits.(Re-advertisement)                          6,575.00 REVITAL
                                       ALL TENDERS FOR THE FINANCIAL  YEAR 2023-2024 (RESTRICTED TENDERS)
          TENDER NUMBER                              ITEM DESCRIPTION                       TENDER AMOUNT
11 KEMRI/HQ/RT/001/2023-2024 Tender for hosting the KEMRI 14TH Annual Health Scientific Conference (KASH)                  11,407,500.00 SAFARI PARK & CASINO
12 KEMRI/HQ/RT/003/20232024 Tender for proposal of Financial Audits of USG Awards contracted by Kemri for the period 1st July 2022 through 30th June 2023                    5,166,125.00 PriceWaterHouse Coopers
13 KEMRI/HQ/RT/004/20232024 Tender  for Supply of Motor Vehicle  Fuel, Lubricants, Oils & Pitstop  Services.  Payment after consumption Non Responsive