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ANGOLA — National Kidney Foundation says in the United States the path to a kidney transplant involves evaluation for eligibility, listing with a transplant center and potentially waiting for a deceased donor or receiving a kidney from a living donor.
Several booked into LaGrange County Jail
Include your group’s events in future Community Calendar listings by emailing your information to [email protected]. Please include a name and phone number.
LAGRANGE — Wednesday marked a nationwide effort to help raise awareness about funding issues affecting public schools across the United States.
GARRETT — A newly-created administration position as director of curriculum and career development has been filled at Garrett-Keyser-Butler schools following a 3-2 vote by the school board Monday, but not without contention.
Local police officers make several arrests
BUTLER — With funds provided by the DeKalb County Redevelopment Commission, the Butler police and fire departments will put those monies to good use.
AUBURN — The Auburn Board of Works covered several items during Tuesday’s meeting.
FREMONT — While February is always the shortest month of the year, it can end up being less than ideal weather-wise, at least in the Midwest. You get snow and ice but no holiday cheer, and a few 50-degree days that tease spring, but are too wet for any actual outdoor activities.
ANGOLA — There has been a buzz in the community about the north end of Angola landing yet another significant national retailer, T.J. Maxx.
Seven arrested
Monday, March 24
ANGOLA — The first “singspiration” of the year will be held at Fairview Missionary Church on Sunday starting at 5 p.m.
EMMA – Westview Junior-Senior High School's eighth-grade Introduction to Agriculture students welcomed their families for a special Parent Night event Tuesday.
ANGOLA — Trine University has named Cristy Jordan as its new director of Transition to Teaching, a program within the university's Franks School of Education.
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National Sports
Donald Trump is a singular figure in United States political history — an elitist at war with the country’s elite, a beneficiary of the American commercial system who is resentful of the institutions that created the nation’s economic power, a president who is reshaping American history desp…
Dear Doctors: I suffered extensive fatigue that I had attributed to a COVID-19 infection. Then a lung culture found something called mycobacterium avium complex. Would you kindly consider discussing this? I realize it’s not a common illness, but for that reason it can go undetected and undiagnosed.
DEAR ABBY: My wife and I are retired seniors. We live in a beautiful two-story house we built 14 years ago. At the time, we thought it would be our final home, but in my opinion, it no longer meets our needs. I want to move and downsize. The problem is that my wife doesn’t.
Clyde S. Miller, 70, of Shipshewana (district: 52-1), Indiana, died unexpectedly at 7 a.m., on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at his residence.
To the Editor:
To the Editor:
If the directives coming out of Washington and Indianapolis these days seem confusing to you, you’re not alone.
To the Editor:
National Entertainment
HAMILTON — The Hamilton Life Center is getting ready to launch its 2025 concert season.
ANGOLA — Trine University Theatre will present a free matinee of “The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood” to local school groups and homeschool students grades K-5 in the Ryan Concert Hall of the T. Furth Center for Performing Arts beginning at noon on April 3.
Wednesday, March 19
I read something powerful this week in my devotional time. Here is the sentence I am still chewing on, thinking about: “Until we recognize our great need, we will never appreciate our great Savior.”
Friday, March 14
AUBURN — All roads lead back to the original Classic Car Capital of the World this spring, with Worldwide Auctioneers’ annual Enthusiast Auction in Auburn.
First Federal Savings Bank of Angola recently celebrated a milestone anniversary of a long-time staff member. Robert “Bob” Steffan is a 20 year employee of the bank, serving as Facilities Coordinator. He is a master electrician whose responsibilities include overall maintenance of the bank p…
For Lent I am praying the Daily Office. I am sure many of you are asking; “What is that?” Well, I am so glad that you asked me!