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ANGOLA — National Kidney Foundation says in the United States the path to a kidney transplant involves evaluation for eligibility, listing with a transplant center and potentially waiting for a deceased donor or receiving a kidney from a living donor.

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FREMONT — While February is always the shortest month of the year, it can end up being less than ideal weather-wise, at least in the Midwest. You get snow and ice but no holiday cheer, and a few 50-degree days that tease spring, but are too wet for any actual outdoor activities.

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Donald Trump is a singular figure in United States political history — an elitist at war with the country’s elite, a beneficiary of the American commercial system who is resentful of the institutions that created the nation’s economic power, a president who is reshaping American history desp…

Dear Doctors: I suffered extensive fatigue that I had attributed to a COVID-19 infection. Then a lung culture found something called mycobacterium avium complex. Would you kindly consider discussing this? I realize it’s not a common illness, but for that reason it can go undetected and undiagnosed.

DEAR ABBY: My wife and I are retired seniors. We live in a beautiful two-story house we built 14 years ago. At the time, we thought it would be our final home, but in my opinion, it no longer meets our needs. I want to move and downsize. The problem is that my wife doesn’t.

Clyde S. Miller, 70, of Shipshewana (district: 52-1), Indiana, died unexpectedly at 7 a.m., on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at his residence.

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If the directives coming out of Washington and Indianapolis these days seem confusing to you, you’re not alone.

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ANGOLA — Trine University Theatre will present a free matinee of “The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood” to local school groups and homeschool students grades K-5 in the Ryan Concert Hall of the T. Furth Center for Performing Arts beginning at noon on April 3.

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I read something powerful this week in my devotional time. Here is the sentence I am still chewing on, thinking about: “Until we recognize our great need, we will never appreciate our great Savior.”

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First Federal Savings Bank of Angola recently celebrated a milestone anniversary of a long-time staff member. Robert “Bob” Steffan is a 20 year employee of the bank, serving as Facilities Coordinator. He is a master electrician whose responsibilities include overall maintenance of the bank p…