Relationships with Employees
Transforming diversity into creativity, promoting fulfilling workplace

Sustainable societies need the creation of quality work. Throughout the world, all members in the labor force deserve a work environment where they have a sense of purpose, feel productive, and know their dignity is respected, regardless of gender, nationality, and other diversity factors. The Kubota Group Charter for Action & Code of Conducts established guidelines applied universally throughout our global operations. Kubota strives to achieve their guiding principles, which include Respecting Human Rights, and Ensuring a Safe and Vibrant Work Environment. Kubota makes sure that its global work environments respect different values and ways of thinking, letting the diversity of its employees encourage creativity and confidence in their work. We foster a work culture that values spirit and originality. We strive to assign the right person to the right job, taking into account what they excel at and where their enthusiasm lies. In this way we will continue to promote safe, vibrant work environment where the security and health of individuals are key.
Our relationship with Kubota Group employees
Building up a Vibrant Work Environment
Treasuring the individuality of each person, to permit new values to flourish for sustainable growth
Languages, cultures, ages, genders, value systems — Kubota’s global workforce has a fine mix of them all. True sustainable corporate growth can be achieved only by respecting different values and ways of thinking, and embracing a wide range of viewpoints. We are convinced that accepting each person’s own individuality is key to permitting the development of new creative forces and thus, new value. One of the Kubota Group’s guiding principles is to promote diversity and inclusion as a way to achieve sustainable growth.
Globally maximize the utilization of human resources across the organization
Kubota stays in tune with its global business development by organizing a range of training programs, offering some of its Japanese employees work experience in other countries, and some of its international workforce work experience in Japan. We also provide study sessions for understanding different cultures and offer second-language learning opportunities. We implement global standards for technical aspects of our operations, dispatching engineers and skilled factory workers from their home bases in Japan to our plants in other countries, where they offer training in manufacturing. These are some of the ways Kubota is promoting the training and education of its global workforce.
Proactive support for maintenance and enhancement of the health of employees
Kubota knows that employee health and its enhancement lead to a more vibrant workplace and the creation of new value. We put this into practice by setting mid- and long-term priority goals for health, and proactively implementing health-promoting activities. We also take steps to become aware of mental health issues promptly, and try to prevent them by, for example, organizing stress checks and training sessions. Employees are encouraged to take advantage of various types of leave programs, to care for an infant, to deal with family or personal issues, etc. Work-life balance initiatives at Kubota lead to more energetic work styles, and help create new value.
Behaving based on “Safety First” principles and aiming to prevent serious incidents
The Kubota Group Basic Policies on Safety and Health were established to create safer workplaces, where tasks can be performed with confidence with a sense of security. The policies are grounded in “Safety is Our First Priority” principles, and guide the behavior and mindset of everyone involved in our business. Core elements of our Mid-Term Plan include: Promotion of built-in safety measures for equipment, promotion of safe operations, enhanced personnel development to support safety. Furthermore, communication of our Basic Guidelines for Safety-Aware Employees is one of many measures taken to reduce the possibility of a serious event (such as crushing with or entanglement in machinery).
Kubota’s relationships with employees
Creating a Safe Workplace for All Employees
Aiming for the Future where All People Work in Health and Equality, with a Sense of Fulfillment
Working for attainment of the 17 goals of United Nations SDGs that aim to transform our world
At the end of a United Nations Summit meeting in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were promulgated, listing 17 common goals for the international community. For Kubota, four of these goals — including Good Health and Well-being, and Gender Equality — identify areas where we can enhance our relationship with employees.
Kubota, which advocates “For Earth, For Life,” will continue to protect the beautiful Earth while further revitalizing environmental conservation activities and supporting people's prosperous lives.
Kubota’s ESG Management
Aiming for sustainability and achievement of our long-term vision
K-ESG Management and Materiality
In line with its aim to maintain itself as a sustainable company, Kubota is promoting K-ESG Management, centered on its own ESG measures. With a focus on the four areas and 12 points of materiality, we aim to enhance our corporate value and realize our long-term vision GMB2030.
Top Message: Sustainability
Aiming to become an “'Essentials Innovator for Supporting Life,' Committed to a Prosperous Society and Cycle of Nature,” we will promote Kubota’s own style of ESG Management, thereby contributing to sustainability through the resolution of issues related to food, water, and the environment.