Just In!
Audrey's Children filmmaker Ami Canaan Mann will participate in Q&A's at the Monica Film Center following the 7 o'clock screenings on March 28 and 29 and after the 4:10 P.M. screenings at the Town Center on March 29.
Just In!
Far Out: Life On and After the Commune filmmaker Charles Light; Sluggo Wasserman, commune co-founder and No Nukes activist; and Patty Carpenter; film music composer/performer will participate in Q&A's after the April 5 screening in Encino, the April 6 screening in Glendale, and the April 7 screening in Santa Monica. Kat Kramer (Kat Kramer’s Films that Change the World) will moderate. Actress Mimi Kennedy will participate in the April 7 Q&A.
Town Center 5
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