person writing on notepad propped up on their knees



No matter where you want to go, communication skills will help get you there

What you’ll earn

Lane’s Writing Program will prepare you to meet the requirements of your program and help you successfully navigate the demands of your other college classes and professional life. You can further explore your interest in writing by taking classes in Literature and Creative Writing!

Transfer Interest Area

Lane’s writing classes focus on helping you cultivate the reading, research, and planning skills you’ll use in future coursework and in your professional life. By learning to recognize the structure and defining features of different kinds of texts, writing courses provide you with a framework you can apply to any writing task and develop critical thinking skills to prepare you for a rewarding career.

2 years Full-time
$15,408 Full program


  • Read and analyze college level texts
  • Employ a flexible writing process
  • Compose college level texts using various technologies and formats
  • Use the Lane library as well as other research tools effectively
  • Reference the ideas and research of others into your own writing ethically
  • Apply your critical thinking skills to create projects and essays on a variety of topics


All programs require at least one writing class, whether you’re planning on transferring to a four-year school or completing your degree at Lane. Interested in a career in grant writing, technical writing, or copywriting? The Oregon Arts Transfer Degree (AAOT) will help you take the classes you need to transfer to a four-year institution to earn your degree and launch your career. Because the AAOT is a transfer degree, you’ll take a wide variety of classes in math, science, arts & letters, and more, preparing you for junior level status at most Oregon four-year schools.

Faculty Spotlights

Cecilia Rosenow

Explore the aspects of technical writing in courses

Gina Szabady

Learn how to write for college courses

Russell Shitabata

Build on your writing skills in composition courses

Ready to learn more?

Admissions staff - Susie, Nikki, and Rosa Maria

Talk one-on-one with a recruiter to learn more about what Lane has to offer you.

Building 1, Room 102
Lane Community College
4000 East 30th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97405
Monday-Wednesday, 8:30 am-5:00 pm.
Thursdays, 10:00 am-5:00 pm
Fridays, 8:30 am-2:00 pm, open until 5pm during the week before and first week of school.
LCC is closed on Fridays in the summer