Tree in Front of Student Union Building

Tuition & Fees

Valley College offers a variety of high-quality general education courses as other colleges and universities, but for a fraction of the price.

At Los Angeles Valley College, California Residents pay only $46 per unit for classes. You can save thousands of dollars when you complete your lower division requirements at Los Angeles Valley College before transferring to a four-year institution.

Student Tuition & Fees

Here's what you can expect to pay at LA Valley College:

The following fees are for student attending LAVC who meet California Residency Requirements. All fees are subject to change.

Fee Name Semester Cost Intersession Cost

Enrollment Fee (details)

$46.00 per unit $46.00 per unit
Additional Enrollment Fees for Baccalaureate Program Upper Division Courses (details) $84.00 per unit $84.00 per unit
Health Services Fee (details) $19.00 (Fall / Spring)

$16.00 (Winter / Summer)

Student Representation Fee (details) $2.00 (Fall / Spring) $2.00 (Winter / Summer)

The following fees are for student attending LAVC who does NOT meet California Residency Requirements. All fees are subject to change.

Fee Name Semester Cost Intersession Cost

Non-Resident Tuition - Out-of-State (details)

Information on individuals who are exempt from paying nonresident tuition is available on LAVC Business Office page.

$359 per unit, plus enrollment fee (for 2024-2025)

$377 per unit, plus enrollment fee (for 2025-2026)

$359 per unit, plus enrollment fee (for 2024-2025)

$377 per unit, plus enrollment fee (for 2025-2026)

Enrollment Fee (details) $46.00 per unit $46.00 per unit
Health Services Fee (details) $19.00 (Fall / Spring Term) $16.00 (Winter / Summer)
Student Representation Fee (details) $2.00 (Fall / Spring) $2.00 (Winter / Summer)

The following fees are for student attending LAVC who does NOT meet California Residency Requirements. All fees are subject to change.

Fee Name Semester Cost Intersession Cost

Non-Resident Tuition - Out-of-State (details)

Information on individuals who are exempt from paying nonresident tuition is available on LAVC Business Office page.

$359 per unit, plus enrollment, SEVIS and international application processing fees (for 2024-2025)

$377 per unit, plus enrollment, SEVIS and international application processing fees (for 2025-2026)

$359 per unit, plus enrollment, SEVIS and international application processing fees. (for 2024-2025)

$377 per unit, plus enrollment, SEVIS and international application processing fees. (for 2025-2026)

Enrollment Fee (details) $46.00 per unit $46.00 per unit
International SEVIS Fee $25.00 $25.00
International Application Processing Fee (details) $50.00 $50.00
Health Services Fee (details) $19.00 (Fall / Spring Term) $16.00 (Winter / Summer)
Student Representation Fee (details) $2.00 (Fall / Spring) $2.00 (Winter / Summer)

Fee Name Semester Cost Intersession Cost
Class Audit Fee $15.00 per unit $15.00 per unit
Associated Student Organization (ASU) Membership Fee (details) $10.00 (Fall / Spring) $3.00 (Winter / Summer)

Parking Fee (details)

$20.00 (Fall / Spring) $7.00 (Winter / Summer)


Pay for your fees

Choose from the following two payment options:

Pay Online through the Student Information System


Visit the LAVC Business Office in the Student Union

Financial Aid is Available

Don’t let the cost stop you from going to Valley College. Financial Aid is available to those who qualify.

How to Apply for Financial Aid
How Do I Qualify?
Financial Aid Programs
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