Journal Impact Factor is a quantitative measure for evaluating the relative importance of journal. It counts the average no. of times articles from a journal published in the past 2 years, have been cited in the current year. The Impact Factor was developed by Eugene Garfield at the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI), now owned by Thomson Reuters.
Journal Impact Factor in 2019 = | No. of citations received in 2019 from all items published in 2017 and 2018 |
Number of citable items (include articles, reviews, or notes that are citable) published in 2017 and 2018 |
Example: Calculation of Journal Impact Factor in the Year 2019:
- Citation in 2019 to items published during 2017 and 2018. (Example: 320)
- Number of citable items during 2017 and 2018. (Example: 50)
Meaning articles in a journal published during the past 2 years, have been cited 6.400 times in average in 2019.

Journal Impact Factor can only be obtained by using InCites Journal Citation Reports (published annually by Thomson Reuters). Lingnan subscribes the JCR Social Science Edition. Access the Journal Citation Reports (Social Sciences Edition) via this link.
- A snapshot of a high impact journal in the category of Sociology in JCR:
Journal Titles Ranked by Impact Factor
Details information of journal