If you’re a Learning member through your organization, LinkedIn Learning provides you with the option to disconnect your LinkedIn profile from your Learning license.
Disconnecting a profile means that your LinkedIn profile will no longer be connected to your Learning license. Your organization will determine if this is an option available to you.
Revoking a license means that you’ll no longer have access to LinkedIn Learning, however, your LinkedIn profile may remain connected to your former Learning license.
Employees no longer with the organization
If you would like to disconnect your LinkedIn profile from the Learning license provided by your former organization:
Navigate to the LinkedIn Learning Login page.
Enter the email or phone number you used to access the license provided by your former organization and click Continue.
If you have more than one license available, you may be prompted to Choose an account. Please select the account you wish to disconnect from.
Enter your password and click Continue.
From the Your organization requires you window, click Don’t work here anymore?
On the Are you sure you want to disconnect from this organization’s account? window, click Yes, disconnect.
You’ll be redirected to a page giving you the option to log in with a personal account, or any other enterprise accounts you have access to.
Employees still with the organization
Here's a tip
Some organizations may require that learners have a connected LinkedIn profile in order to access LinkedIn Learning. In such cases, you won’t see the option to disconnect your profile yourself.
If you wish to disconnect your profile due to privacy concerns, please note that even when the profile is connected to your Learning account, your organization can only see your LinkedIn profile picture and the information you’ve set to "public". (See Learn more section below.) They won’t have access to your personal email account, InMail messages, or other private profile information. Also, by disconnecting your Learning license from your profile, we won’t be able to provide you specialized content recommendations, and you’ll no longer see your course history or certificates of completion on your profile.
If you still wish to disconnect your Learning license from your LinkedIn profile and your admin is unable to do so due to your account settings:
Click your photo in the top right corner, and select Settings from the dropdown that appears.
Below Disconnect your LinkedIn account from your LinkedIn Learning account provided by your organization, click Disconnect my account.
Click Disconnect.
You’ll automatically be prompted to the login screen to either reactivate a license or access another license you already have available.
Employees whose admins have disconnected their profile and license
If your admin disconnected your LinkedIn profile from your Learning license, you should've received a new registration email.
If you'd like to use your Learning license without connecting your profile, please select Continue without LinkedIn and Do not connect my account during re-registration.
If you'd like to connect a different LinkedIn profile to your Learning license, please select Connect my LinkedIn account, and provide the login details for the profile you'd like to connect.
Employees who would like to reconnect their disconnected profile
If you'd like to reconnect your LinkedIn profile to your Learning license immediately after disconnecting:
Select Connect my LinkedIn account, and provide the login details for the profile you'd like to connect.
If you’d like to reconnect your LinkedIn profile after initial login:
Click your photo in the top right corner, and select Settings from the dropdown that appears.
Below Connect your LinkedIn account to your LinkedIn Learning account provided by your organization, click Connect my account.
Log into LinkedIn Learning again.
If you agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy, click Accept and continue.