Parking Lot Cleaning Services, Cost Less Than You Think

Call now for your free estimate 718-683-9052

Trash Litter Debris and Garbage in parking lot

Parking lot maintenance services do not have a one-size-fits-all price. The amount you pay is determined by the size and complexity of your property, as well as the amount of litter we need to remove. We'll need to walk around your property to get a sense of what's going on.

How Do We Estimate Your Pricing?

  • We look for a variety of things, including:

  • Is it a retail, industrial, or office building?

  • What kind of tenant mix are you looking for — a grocery shop, a restaurant, a medical facility, and so on?

  • How many litter bins and garbage bin cages are there?

  • Is the property in a residential area, a commercial zone, or an industrial park?

  • What is the size of the parking lot, sidewalks, and landscape area?

  • What is the frequency of service?

We can't give you an estimate based on square footage alone. What we can guarantee is a reasonable price for the work we're doing. In many circumstances, a month of our daily litter pick service for the entire property would be comparable to the cost of a comprehensive parking lot power sweep.

Contact us.

Learn how affordable it is to keep your property litter free.

[email protected]

(718) 683-9052