About the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)
One of the Mayor’s key responsibilities is overseeing the work of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) – setting the priorities for policing and community safety in London, agreeing the policing budget and holding the Met Commissioner to account for delivering a professional, efficient and effective service to Londoners.
The Mayor has appointed Kaya Comer-Schwartz as Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC) to oversee this vital work.
At the heart of our work is the Mayor’s Police and Crime Plan – a statutory document that sets out the key priorities for the term ahead, how we will work to deliver them and how we will oversee delivery.
MOPAC is headed by the Mayor of London, and is responsible for policing in the capital, outside the City of London.
Kaya Comer-Schwartz is London's Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime.
Learn more about the work of our Victims' Commissioner, Claire Waxman.
Working for a safer London
More information about the MOPAC team.
Information on our budgets and accounts.
Governance is about ensuring MOPAC is doing the right thing, in the right way, in an open and accountable manner.
Job openings at MOPAC.
Making sure that your voices are heard
Appeals following misconduct hearings are brought before the Police Appeals Tribunal and are open to the public.
Complaints about the Mayor as occupant of Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime and Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime.
Information on MOPAC's role in overseeing the Commissioner for the way the MPS deals with complaints.